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Does Eating Nuts Before Bed Cause Weight Gain?

06:37 PM Thursday, August 31, 2023

Books – Muhammad Amin:

Some diet followers make sure that the dinner meal is completely free of nuts, because they believe that eating them before bed may lead to weight gain, so is this true?

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Is eating nuts before bed gain weight?

In this regard, Dr. Karim Jamal, a clinical nutrition specialist, said that nuts are useful foods in dieting, because they help to lose weight, thanks to their great ability to curb appetite.

Jamal added that the ability of nuts to suppress appetite is derived from their high content of dietary fiber, which helps to feel full for long hours.

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The therapeutic nutritionist confirmed that eating nuts before bedtime does not cause weight gain as some promote, indicating that they are suitable food for dinner during the diet.

He explained that when eating nuts throughout the day, especially before bed, has no effects on the body mass index, but rather the matter is related to the amount consumed, and if it is high, the weight will increase.

Jamal pointed out that there are many benefits to eating nuts before bed, most notably:

Reducing harmful cholesterol in the blood, as it contains omega-3 acids.

Promoting the health of the digestive system, because its dietary fibers improve bowel movement and facilitate digestion and excretion.

– Building and strengthening muscles, enriched with protein and amino acids.

– Strengthening the immune system, as it provides the body with a large dose of antioxidants.

To see the rest of the benefits of nuts before bed, click here.

He concluded his speech by emphasizing that the amount of nuts consumed before going to sleep should not exceed a handful equivalent to the size of a fist, because there are other harms other than weight gain that the body may be exposed to when excessive, including:

– diarrhoea.

– High blood pressure, if roasted.

– Allergies.

You may also be interested in: A nutritionist warns of nuts: danger in these cases

2023-08-31 15:39:09

#eating #nuts #bed #gain #weight

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