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“Does cocaine kill coronavirus? “False, replies our reporter

Cocaine illustration – sammisreachers / pixabay

In the daily news podcast of 20 minutes “Minute Papillon!”, We are talking today about fake news that is circulating on social networks today, about the

In China, the epicenter of this viral pneumonia, more than 28,000 people are affected by the disease. The toll has today exceeded 560 deaths in this country. Quarantine measures are being strengthened elsewhere in Asia, when international teams of researchers are working to find a treatment.

In this scary environment, false news thrives. Marie de Fournas, journalist at 20 minutes, endeavors to dismantle one of them.

On Twitter, a user recently posted a photo that reads in English, in a banner: “Cocaine kills the coronavirus”.

The image is accompanied by a photograph illustrating the drug. The presentation of this image and this type of “breaking news” banner resemble the codes used by news channels, such as CNN.

However, as Marie de Fournas tells you in this podcast, this photo comes from an online generator that allows, with a few clicks, to do this kind of photomontage. In summary: no, cocaine is neither a vaccine nor a drug against the coronavirus.

How was this fake news made? Why did this false news spread like wildfire on the networks? We answer it in this podcast of the day. And to find all of Marie’s investigation, it’s here.

Here is the Ministry of Health’s information page about the coronavirus.

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