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Dodger Stadium vaccination center in Los Angeles blocked by anti-vax

Twitter: @Mikel_Jollett

Antivaxes block Dodger Stadium, a mass vaccination site in Los Angeles (Photo @Mikel_Jollett on Twitter, January 30, 2021)

CORONAVIRUS – Dodger Stadium, converted into a massive Covid-19 vaccination center by the city of Los Angeles, was blocked this Saturday, January 30 by protesters opposed to the vaccine.

About fifty people were enough to condemn the entrance to the parking lot of this famous stadium which has been trying, since mid-January, to protect 12,000 people a day by injecting them with a first dose of the product created by Pfizer-BioNTech to fight against the coronavirus.

The firefighters have in fact preferred to close access to the vaccination site, one of the largest in the whole country, as a precaution between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. in the face of these anti-vaccine demonstrators or from the extreme right who are there. were given an appointment in order to ask those present not to be stung.

Hundreds of Americans, who had lined up for hours in their cars to be vaccinated, found themselves stranded, reports the Los Angeles Times.

“Save your soul, turn around”, “Take off your mask”, or even “CNN lies to you” were among the messages written on their signs, notes the daily which specifies that the interruption did not cause any violence or arrest.

The police assured for their part that the delay caused by the closing of the gates would be made up during the day and that the appointments of all the patients would be honored.

Having become for two months one of the main hotbeds of the new coronavirus in the United States, with intensive care services then overwhelmed morgues, California had put in place on December 3 measures banning non-essential gatherings and activities.

Despite more than three million officially recorded cases and 40,000 dead, Governor Gavin Newsom however estimated Monday, January 25 that the region had now “gone through most of this resurgence” and that the containment in place was now lifted. So far, the state has administered some 3.3 million doses of the vaccine, for a population of 40 million.

See also on The HuffPost: In this American private school, the children carry out the anti-Covid tests themselves

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