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Documents needed to add births to ration cards

Communication offices Supply At the level of the Republic, requests have been received for the integration of births on ration cards for four categories of holders of ration cards, as part of the Ministry’s desire to lighten the burden on these families and categories: beneficiaries of solidarity pension and dignity , holders of an integrated service card, beneficiaries of a social solidarity pension, the children of martyrs, and of the martyr’s wife, and children of alternative families, provided that the age of the children to be added is not less than four years, and include the name of the cardholder, the national registration number, the number of the ration card, the number of members, the persons to be included and their registration number. These requests, lists and documents are sent weekly with an attachment CD. the Procurement Directorate of the General Directorate of the Ministry.

The decision of the Ministry of Supply stipulated that the procurement office collect these requests and documents and send them to the procurement directorates, accompanied by approved CD bank statements, provided that the card does not exceed 4 people.

And the Ministry of Supply and Domestic Trade confirmed that due to the increase in the number of visitors to the Citizen Services Bureau at the Ministry General Office to submit requests to add infants to the neediest age groups and to facilitate the citizens, the procurement directorates are alerted to communicate to their procurement offices the receipt of applications from citizens, to whom the discipline applies.

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