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Documented NY Investigation Reveals Undocumented Workers in Construction Industry More at Risk | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

scan the ocode we are going toput on screen right now,so you can receive moreinformation.a recent report from theorganization that watches overreveals how workersundocumented people run a lotdanger in place ofconstruction.about the investigationI spoke with the journalistMauricio Guerrero.Mauritius, let’s talk about thisresearch onconstruction workers,what did they discover?>> we discovered a paton ofopacity part of the surrenderaccounts in general.we focus on the case of aworker who died in February.very little is known about him.the date you passed away, thatwas taken to some and such wherewas declared lifeless. alsoWhere did the death occur?we are saying that there is verylittle transparency in termsof the information on theworker deaths and thisis a problem for theaccountability. therecent figures fromworkers killed and the totalof consolidated workersof the construction in newYork is from 2019, so whatimpossible to make a diagnosisabout what is happening,if you do not have figures toupdated.we don’t know when they diedwhat did they die and whatcircumstances wereworking. there is no typeof information, much less theregarding workers.aercdotes of the defenders,workers rightsbecause most of them dieless possibility of demanding yourrights families afterthat their loved ones diedear.yisel: it is a topic thatsadly we argue withsolution for these deathsdo not be in vain.>> know who dies, whenthey die and from whatwere investigated or not.Yisel: Thank you very much forchat with us. Yesour people are interestedin reading wings of thisinvestigation, what do they have todo?>> you have free access and

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