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DOCUMENTARY. When Captain America creator Jack Kirby landed on Normandy beaches

Jack Kirby, designer of Marvel superheroes, imagined the Normandy landings in 1943 by accurately drawing the course of a still hypothetical D-Day … without suspecting that he would one day participate in the “War for true”. Jack Kirby the D-Day superhero Monday May 31 at 10:45 p.m.

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces landed in France to liberate the world from the Nazi yoke. It is the fruit of several years of war effort designed to prepare the American population for conflict in Europe.

A crucial period approached through the eyes of cartoonist Jack Kirby (1917-1994), the “King of Comics”, the king of American comics. He is the inventor of modern superheroes, co-creator with Stan Lee of the Marvel mythology that makes Hollywood successful today.

Jack Kirby

© Past simple

This major artist of the 20th century remains little known and few people know that he fought in France during World War II.

This documentary is the opportunity to evoke the work of Jack Kirby before he also landed at Omaha Beach to join the reinforcements of Patton’s army. It is a founding period for the designer.

Kirby imagines the coming conflict in a visionary way!

With the screenwriter Simon, they will anticipate in 1943 the Allied landing in France. By drawing with precision the unfolding of a still hypothetical D-Day, Kirby will live by proxy this significant event in our history … without suspecting that he will one day participate in the “War for real” and will become a hero. .

Jack Kirby draws in 1943 what the landing will be

Jack Kirby draws in 1943 what the landing will be

© Past simple

Throughout the film, Jean Depelley, a specialist in the work of Jack Kirby, accompanies Jérémy Kirby, the artist’s grandson, to retrace his grandfather’s journey.

Jean Depelley and Jérémy Kirby on the Normandy landing beaches

Jean Depelley and Jérémy Kirby on the Normandy landing beaches

© Past Simple

Together, they will relive the great moments of the landing and compare them with those imagined by Jack Kirby and understand how the latter went from imaginary war to real war.


When the creator of Captain America landed on the Normandy beaches

52-minute documentary film
Produced by France Télévisions and Passé Simple
Directed by Marc Azéma
Written by Jean Depelley and Marc Azéma
With the support of Procirep / Angoa

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