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Doctors told how obesity in expectant mothers can affect the child. Reedus

On August 12, the St. Petersburg media reported on a fire that allegedly broke out at the docks of Kronstadt. According to the publications of the northern capital, there was information that the stern of a submarine undergoing repairs in the local harbor caught fire.

Telegram channel 78 | Novosti reported that the fire started at about 15:00 in the dry dock for submarines. According to the channel, during the repair work, paint caught fire, the fire was assigned a second hazard rank.

But when the firefighters arrived at the dock, it turned out that everything was somewhat different. REN TV transfersthat the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg did not record any signs of fire on the submarine and declared the call false.

“As a result of the inspection, it was established that the smoke from the outdoor gas welding was taken for a fire,” reads the message of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to Channel Five, there was still a fire at the plant: during external gas-welding operations, the fire engulfed oiled rags from the ballast side of the submarine’s tank. The smoke from the fire was sucked into the compartment. However, the dock workers prevented the further spread of the fire. There were no casualties.

August 12 is a black day of the calendar for Russian submariners: the nuclear submarine Kursk sank 20 years ago. To date, Captain First Rank Igor Kurdin restored chronology death of the submarine cruiser.

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