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Doctors recommend that you do not give up meat if you have cancer!

More and more Romanians face aggressive cancers of the lung, breast, stomach, colon or cervix.

One of the reasons is the postponement of the visit to the doctor, he writes Discover.

Many patients arrive late at the specialist, and the chances of successful treatment decrease greatly.

“Cancer is a pretty unpredictable disease. What we know for sure is that an early diagnosis increases the chance of life: in the case of breast tumors, for example, we have a survival rate of 90% if we detect them early, in the case of prostate cancer, over 99%, and in cancer lung, 70% ”, says Dr. Ozlem Er, an oncologist at Acibadem Maslak Hospital.

Half of all cancers can be prevented

The increase in life expectancy has also led to a higher number of malignancies as we get older. But and lifestyle has a say in the onset of cancer.

“Genes are responsible for 50% of diagnoses, while environmental factors are to blame for the other half. So a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer by 50%. How can we do that? By banning smoking and reducing the number of smokers in the first place. Then, alcohol consumption should be reduced. Exercise 3-4 times a week, long walks of over 30 minutes and a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables protect us from cancers associated with lifestyle and diet. Of course, we must not neglect sun protection either. “, recommends oncologist Ozlem Er.

Extremely careful should be those who have close relatives diagnosed with cancer. A full annual check-up can reveal early-stage cancer.

“Breast and testicular cancer respond best to this treatment, even if the diagnosis is late. Even in the case of pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most difficult, we have the opportunity to treat patients. There is always something we can do after a cancer diagnosis. Of course, we cannot guarantee success, but we can increase its lifespan and quality. “ spune dr. Ozlem Er.

The cancer patient is allowed to eat meat!

Oncologists they also draw attention to the myths that are circulating about the diet of cancer patients.

“Cancer patients need protein from fish, chicken, red meat. But we often hear patients tell us that they do not eat meat at all, because that is how they feed the cancer cell. They need to know that they can eat anything, unless there are dietary restrictions imposed by other conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Of course, the diet must also contain vegetables, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day being optimal “, recommends the specialist.

Sports, healthy diet, sunscreen and hydration with 2 liters of water a day are vital for the long-term survival of cancer patients. They are also important in the first two years after diagnosis periodic checks every 3 months. Between 3 and 5 years after cancer treatment, the controls are done at 6 months. And after 5 years, the control is annual, because the risk of recurrence exists, even if it is small.

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