Home » today » Health » Doctors explain how children should be vaccinated against COVID. A minimum distance of one month between two different vaccines is required

Doctors explain how children should be vaccinated against COVID. A minimum distance of one month between two different vaccines is required

Dr. Sandra Alexiu, the president of the Bucharest-Ilfov Family Physicians Association, Voichiţa Lăzureanu, primary doctor of infectious diseases, and the medical director of the Matei Balş Institute of Infectious Diseases in the Capital Adrian Marinescu explained for News.ro how vaccination should be done in the case of children. “A minimum of one month is required between two different vaccines, the immune system must not be forced to generate antibodies against all infections at once,” they say. The same is true for the HPV vaccine, with the vaccination campaign underway. Children with various chronic conditions should also consult their doctors before taking the anti-Covid vaccination.

Dr. Voichiţa Lăzureanu: “I would go to 2-3 months in distance between them, just to have a certain certainty not to whip the immune system”

Dr. Voichiţa Lăzureanu, primary doctor of infectious diseases explained to News.ro that, in the case of children, the vaccination against Covid-19 should be made at least one month apart from the last vaccine they made to prevent various diseases. This is also the case with the HPV vaccine.

At the moment, the campaign against HPV vaccination of girls aged between 11 and 14, carried out by the Ministry of Health is in full process. Dr. Lăzureanu says that, in their case, the anti-Covid vaccine, which can be given on Wednesday for children aged between 12 and 15, should be given at least once a month, preferably 2-3 months from the time administration of the HPV vaccine.

As a basic rule in vaccination, a minimum distance of one month between two different vaccines, on different models, on different action, on different viral structures, is mandatory. My request to my parents is not to get vaccinated earlier than a month, I would go to 2-3 months as a distance between them, just to have a certain security of not whipping the immune system to generate those antibodies against all infections in -one time, although we know that there are also hexavalent vaccines, with six different types of viral subtypes that we have to generate, but still, it is new technology (n.red in the case of the covid vaccine), it is an effort of the human body and of the immune system, and then so as not to do any harm in some respects yes, to get vaccinated at least a month, but, I repeat, somewhere in 2-3 months would be ideal, I vaccinated my girls against hpv in february, so now i am fine and by the time the covid vaccination is started for 12-15 years i am already safe enough to know that i can vaccinate them against covid 19. The basic rule is the same if there are no vaccine co-formulations, so in the same booster or in those if the dose is several viral subtypes, then the basic rule is a minimum of one month break between them“, Doctor Voichiţa Lăzureanu declared for News.ro.

There are also absolute contraindications for children, but also temporary contraindications for vaccination against Covid 19. Past anaphylactic reactions are an absolute contraindication, and a temporary one may be related to the presence of cold-specific symptoms, such as headaches, fever, muscle aches . Doctors say that certain diseases under treatment, such as neoplastic diseases (cancer) may be a specific contraindication in the case of covid vaccination 19.

“If we have a chronic illness in a teenager, it is ideal to contact either the attending physician or the family doctor who knows the entire pathology and evolution,” said Dr. Lăzureanu.

Dr. Sandra Alexiu, the president of the Bucharest-Ilfov Family Physicians Association, specified for News.ro that the vaccination of children can be done both through the vaccination platform and through the appointment with the family doctor. In this sense, family doctors are waiting for new details about the concrete way in which they will be able to do this.

Dr. Alexiu: “During the vaccination, the child will receive the same questionnaire that adults receive when they are vaccinated, where the tutor can record if there are problems, will find out if there are absolute or temporary contraindications.”

“It has been announced that it will be scheduled via the platform and also through the family doctors’ offices, we are waiting for instructions in this regard, but I think the platform has been chosen because, as you know, the Pfizer vaccine is bottled in six-dose bottles. so that he can somehow prepare, so that the booster can be predicted. It is probably easier to get vaccinated in centers because it is not known how big the applications will be, so that adults and children can be vaccinated where they are vaccinated, so that doses are not lost. I am not referring to instructions for vaccinating children, but to the way in which family doctors are treated, whether we can receive the Pfizer vaccine or not, and which we can use in both adults and children. There are parents who want to vaccinate their children and they were waiting for this moment, I expect these parents to start asking when they will be scheduled, either in the centers or if possible in our offices. The child, if he comes to vaccination, will receive the same questionnaire that adults receive when they are vaccinated, where maybe the guardian or parent with whom he is required to report if there are problems, will find out if there are absolute or temporary contraindications, and this must be done. to be enough, because we are talking about an age group close to what we have vaccinated so far and we do not need to know anything in particular. For children under 16 it is a consent form that is adapted because it is also signed by the guardian, not only by the child, and the questionnaire that is made in the triage has the same fields.
This step is a natural one, as long as this vaccine has been approved and there is a request from parents, it is normal for Romania to align with this trend as it happened with the other vaccines as they were approved “, he explained for news .ro Dr. Sandra Alexiu.

In less than two days, 3634 appointments were made in the vaccination platform, for the age category 12-15 years.

The side effects in the leaflet are the same as those seen in people over the age of 16, says Dr. Alexiu. The doctor tells the parents that, in the case of children, the effectiveness of the anti-Covid 19 vaccine is close to 100%.

Dr Adrian Marinescu, the medical director of the Matei Balş Institute of Infectious Diseases in the Capital, explained to News.ro that vaccinating children aged between 12 and 15 is extremely important in the process of reducing the pandemic, because the little ones are vectors of transmission of the disease. At the same time, the specialist says that there could soon be a third dose of covid vaccine 19, including new strains of the virus in circulation, such as the Indian one, which is currently spreading rapidly in the UK.

Dr. Marinescu: We must take into account that there is a risk of having more Sars-Cov-2 infections in the fall.

It is difficult to say how many requests there will be, (n.red in the case of vaccination of children), remember that when there were many requests for vaccination of adults it was necessary to schedule for things to take place in an organized manner. If it is found that there are not many requests from the little ones, surely things will end up being free. But I think the appointments will be made soon. The fact that we have enough data from clinical trials to tell us that in the case of the little ones we are clearly safe when we give them the vaccine for sars cov 2, the fact that there is approval from the competent forums, we are talking in Europe about the European Medicines Agency , things become clear. Of course, the question arises as to why it is important to vaccinate the little ones as well.

Firstly we do not have the guarantee that the little ones will make a light or asymptomatic shape, ie in the end there are fulminant shapes, even if they are rarer among them, secondly they are transmission vectors and let’s take into account that the little ones they interact a lot and it’s good that this happens, both at school and outside of school, they play together, so it’s clear that the risk of transmitting from one to the other is high, and they can also transmit at the family or To those we know, to those who have chronic conditions or are elderly, thirdly and not least, we need an extensive vaccination, covering the entire population, and the little ones, precisely because we want to reduce the virus in circulation. Reducing the circulating virus and closing the pandemic in a reasonable time also means vaccinating the little ones “, explained the medical director of the Matei Balş Institute of Infectious Diseases in the Capital.

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Photo source: RO Vaccination

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