The ingredient lists of many ultra-processed foods contain a large number of unknown additives. (internet)

In recent years, the issue of juvenile cancer has attracted widespread attention in Western countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. Recently, an American oncologist wrote an article indicating that the new cancer cases that he He and his colleagues recently diagnosed and treated years have been in people aged 45 or younger The situation is a cause for concern. He pointed out that the living habits of young cancer patients have one thing in common.
Cancer is getting younger |
North Carolina oncologist Nicholas DeVito wrote an article on the medical news website STAT News, saying that he noticed that the new cases of colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers that he has treated from a few years ago all very young colleagues, “All the new patients I follow are under 45 years old.” Her colleague said she was like him, “I also have 3 (new patients under 45 years of age)… too many young cancer patients.”

Highly Processed Food| Key player in cancer regeneration
Based on what he sees and hears every day, talking to patients, and analyzing data, DeVito believes that “ultra-processed food” is a major contributor to the younger age group with cancer.
The term “ultra-processed food” first came from an academic research report written by researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil in 2009, which classified foods according to the degree of processing to improve people’s understanding of food processing. and increase its effect on health. .
Finely processed food | Made by industrial processes and containing ingredients not used for normal cooking
Currently, publications of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations classify food into four categories, namely “unprocessed or minimally processed foods”, “processed foods with cooking ingredients”, “foods the processing” and “processed foods”. Among these, “ultra-processed foods” are the most processed and are usually produced through industrial production processes Sugar, oil, fat and salt are often mixed as ingredients, and there are ingredients or various additives that are not commonly used in normal cooking. additives, such as flavors, pigments, emulsifiers, artificial sweeteners, spices and preservatives, etc.
Examples of ultra-processed foods|Includes a large number of ready-to-eat foods, potato chips, instant noodles, frozen pancakes, ready-to-eat breakfast cereals
Examples of ultra-processed foods include soda, potato chips, cookies, instant noodles, frozen pizza, convenience foods, breakfast cereals, instant soup powder, and whole grain bread.
Four categories of food
Section 1:Unprocessed or minimally processed foods– These foods are in their natural state or have undergone minimal processing, such as drying, cooling and vacuum packaging. Examples include fresh fruit, refrigerated vegetables and powdered milk.
Section 2:Cooking ingredients Processed food– These foods are ingredients used in cooking at home or in restaurant kitchens, as a result of processes such as pressing, refining and grinding. Examples include vegetable oil, sugar and salt.

Section 3:processed food– These foods are created by combining categories 1 and 2. Examples include canned vegetables in brine, canned fish sealed in oil, and nuts and seeds with salt or added sugar.
Section 4:ultra-processed foods– These foods are usually produced in industrial processes. Sugar, oils and fats are often mixed together with salt as ingredients in processed foods. In addition, ingredients that characterize ultra-processed foods are ingredients that are not used in cooking or different types of additives (such as flavor enhancers, colors and artificial sweeteners). Examples include carbonated drinks, potato chips, biscuits, instant noodles and chilled pizza.
Highly Processed Food | Associated with over 30 health conditions: bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes
It is reported that nearly 75% of the foods Americans eat each day are ultra-processed foods. DeVito pointed out that studies have found that ultra-processed foods are linked to more than 30 health conditions, including colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer; they can also lead to obesity and a significant increase in the risk of cancer; heart disease and diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Highly processed food|Doctors use tobacco as an example to urge the government to regulate ultra-processed food
He pointed out that tobacco caused a significant increase in lung cancer cases in the 1990s and continued into the 1990s. 45% in the United States. 1950s, reduced to 12%. Drawing lessons from the past, he believes that ultra-processed food is now like tobacco in the past has increased since 2000. However, the lack of guidance currently in the United States has led to many additives that are “generally recognized as safe”, flowing into the food system in large quantities, it is believed that the government and industry to take action.
Cancer is getting younger | The number of young cancer patients worldwide has increased by 79%
The younger age of cancer is not limited to Europe and the United States According to statistics, from 1990 to 2019, the number of young cancer patients worldwide has increased by 79%, and the number of deaths increased by 28%; early cancer rate (referring to patients under 50 years of age) in the United States Ranking sixth in the world, there are 87 cases for every 100,000 people under the age of 50.

2024-08-15 09:19:07
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