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“Doctors and nurses no vax got the wrong job”

Medici and nurses reluctant to get the Covid vaccine “got the wrong job”. The Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri firmly supports this, on Sky TG24. “The role of the politician is also to be decisive,” he adds. “Since we are dealing with very few people, because the vast majority have shown the strength to drag us out of the tragedy, if someone from the health care side says they are no vax, forgive me but I think they have the wrong job”.

Compulsory vaccine? Not yet


Covid, Hope: “In Italy 13 million vaccinated by April 2021”

“If after six years of study plus the specialist you come to the conclusion that the vaccine you don’t need the wrong job ”remarked Sileri to Sky TG24. “I don’t think it will be necessary to make it mandatory, perhaps a lesson in clinical immunology is better. Then I hope the Order of Doctors will intervene “he continues with reference to doctors and nurses who have expressly declared that they are against receiving the vaccine against coronavirus. “It is not the government’s line”, the Deputy Minister of Health explains, “but if it were up to me I would like the Order to take measures and sanctions. That’s my opinion. It is not acceptable that with 70,000 dead and several thousand still in front of a person who has studied Medicine or Nursing can say ‘I don’t get the vaccine because it’s not safe’ “. “I doubt – he underlines – that it will involve thousands of reluctant health workers, but only a few tens”.

On the vaccine level

“We have the switch to turn on the light in a dark room that is the one created by the coronavirus in recent months, but it does not mean that suddenly all this disappears” Sileri’s comment after the first symbolic vaccination day in Europe. “We have to make sure that the doses arrive as soon as possible. Let’s start with Pfizer’s and we hope that other companies will also receive approval quickly and that the treatments are safe and effective ”. “Then – he concludes – the population will have to be vaccinated and herd protection achieved: this will keep us busy for at least three quarters of next year. At that point we will probably be able to breathe a sigh of relief ”. The timing, according to Sileri, will depend precisely on when the other authorizations for vaccines arrive. For example “From Astrazeneca we are waiting for 40 million doses out of the 202 million total and we certainly cannot make calculations until the ok. I am confident but it all depends on when the authorization from the regulatory body arrives ”.

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