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Doctors Affirm that it is also important for adults to be given the Covid-19 vaccine

JawaPos.com – The distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine is still being studied. The World Health Organization (WHO) also plans to first vaccinate vulnerable groups such as medical workers and the elderly.

Then, what about young adults?

Dr. Health Expert Purnamawati Sujud, SpA (K), MMped, from the Parents Care Foundation said that prevention of disease through immunization is the most effective. Because the results will prove to be good.

“The vaccine is the most cost effective, that is, it is efficient and the results are good, “he said in the dialogue ‘Why Are Vaccines Important? Is It Necessary for Adults? ‘ by the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), recently.

According to him, the community has so far understood that immunization is an effort to provide the best health for children. However, we often forget that children also need healthy parents.

Efforts to stay healthy are carried out by preventing disease, one of which is through immunization to maintain immunity. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the existence of a disease whose carrier is an adult, and can transmit to other family members including babies and children.

“Therefore, the benefits of immunization are not only felt by the recipient, but also their family and environment,” he added.

Internal Medicine Specialist and Vaccinologist Dr. Dirga Sakti Rambe, M.Sc, Sp.PD, said that WHO specifically mentions, especially for adults, that during a pandemic, it is best to get vaccinations for influenza and pneumonia or PCV. There are at least two large studies showing that patients who contract Covid-19 but have previously been vaccinated against influenza have a lower risk of death and less impact when infected.

The vaccine production process itself is gradual and goes through various processes and very strict test stages to ensure the safety of the vaccine. Even after obtaining a distribution permit, vaccine safety is continuously monitored by various institutions. In Indonesia there is the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) as supervisor. In extraordinary cases such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the health industry is accelerating the process of finding vaccines, but without abandoning the principles of caution and safety.

“Making a vaccine is quite difficult, even more difficult than making new drugs, because the concept is for prevention. Vaccines are given to healthy people, so safety is number one, “explained Dirga.

The vaccine itself is categorized by WHO as one of the 10 Greatest Public Health Achievements. After the discovery of the vaccine, there was a significant reduction in the spread of the disease.

This means that vaccines are effective in suppressing the spread of certain diseases. One of the phenomenal success stories of disease suppression through immunization is the prevention of transmission of smallpox or smallpox. As a result of massive immunization, this disease has been extinct since 1979. WHO says, at least 2-3 million lives have been saved from diseases that can be prevented through immunization.

Vaccines rarely cause side effects, health data show, 95 percent of vaccine side effects are mild or local, and do not cause fatalities. “Sometimes vaccines also cause fever, but there’s no need to worry, because fever is a sign that the vaccine is working to stimulate the immune system,” said Dirga.

“Vaccines are proven to be safe and effective, and are actually a continuation process of immunization in childhood,” explained Dirga.

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