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“Doctor Yong” rheumatic difference mRNA vaccine – virus vector vaccine

“Doctor Yong” rheumatism is different. MRNA vaccine – virus vector. The mRNA vaccine is more frightening than the virus vector.

News reports state that Dr. Yongphu Worawan, MD. (Doctor YongHead of the Center of Specialization in Clinical Virology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Has posted on facebook (Dr. Yongphusuwan, MD.) Under the heading “COVID-19 mRNA vaccine Vaccine withVector virusVaccine”

Many people still do not fully understand the principles of mRNA vaccines and virus vector.

mRNA vaccines likePfizer (Pfizer) Moderna (Moderna) vector virus such as AstraZeneca That will inject in our home Sputnik V In principle, the two vaccines are similar, differing in that they are introduced into either host or human cells.

Pfizer encapsulates the fat by genetically and then enters the cell when RNA enters the cell and then enters the plant (ribosome) directly into the cell, producing the COVID’s Spike protein out of the cell.

AstraZeneca uses the virus as a carrier to Pfizer cells.Virus vector enters the genetic material into DNA, it must enter the human cell nucleus to generate RNA, the RNA goes to the ribosome plant to produce the Covid Spike protein.

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