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doctor told about drugs from coronavirus – Rambler / Doctor

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The resuscitator Evgeny Pinelis summed up the intermediate result and compared the effectiveness of various drugs used to treat coronavirus infection. He shared his thoughts on his Facebook page.

The results so far are not very comforting. So, popular quinine preparations, according to the latest data, were not so effective.

“In the hospital, these drugs do not work at all, but only give side effects. Even if the patient enters the hospital at the very beginning of the disease and with minimal symptoms,” the doctor shared his experience.

These drugs are also used in the treatment of outpatients, but such a study, according to the specialist, will not appear soon.

Also did not live up to expectations and remdesivir.

“The miracle didn’t happen with the results. Yes, it helps if you start before the development of respiratory failure or at the very beginning. There is no difference with high-flux oxygen and non-invasive ventilation – which is already quite a neglected situation, but in resuscitation there is a general tendency for patients to worsen Alas, our personal miraculous healings with remdesivir were not because of, but contrary to, “the doctor explained.

Nevertheless, Eugene Pinelis found positive points:

“There is hope that Remdesivir will be a sign that the epidemic will decline, as happened with the main Ebola outbreak.”

Earlier, Rambler wrote that the Rospotrebnadzor revealed the effect of alcohol with COVID-19.-

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