Home » today » World » “Doctor Theera” reiterated “Ripple 2” is not yet over easily The cause of the test was low – the vaccine was not thorough – soon released.

“Doctor Theera” reiterated “Ripple 2” is not yet over easily The cause of the test was low – the vaccine was not thorough – soon released.

26 January 2021 Assoc. Prof. Teeraworathanarat Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Facebook posts report the situation of the epidemicCOVID-19 Daily by specifying the following statement …

“26 January 2021 … Memorial Day …”

Infected more than 100 million people … within about 1 year and 1 month

YesterdayWorldwide, 474,338 people added, totaling now 100,165,647. 9,507 additional deaths, a total of 2,146,456 deaths

The United States yesterday had an increase of 135,774 people, a total of 25,812,699, an additional 1,664 dead, a total of 430,807 deaths.

India added 9,354 people, total 10,677,710 people

Brazil added 5,558 people with a total of 8,850,135.

Russia added 19,290 people, a total of 3,738,690

The UK has an additional 22,195 people, a total of 3,669,658.

Ranks 6-10 are France, Turkey, Italy, Spain and most of the Germans, contending thousands to tens of thousands a day.

South America, Europe, Asia such as Colombia, Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Canada, as well as Iran, Bangladesh, Israel, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia continue to add thousands to tens of thousands.

Tomorrow Indonesia will hit one million, be the 19th country in the world, the Netherlands is expected to touch the 20th million in two weeks.

In the Scandinavia, Baltic and Eurasia regions, there is an ongoing infection.

Myanmar, South Korea, China and Thailand add hundreds, while Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore add tens. While New Zealand and Vietnam add less than ten.

… the situation in Myanmar Yesterday, an additional 383 deaths, 7 more deaths, now a total of 137,957, 3,069 deaths, the current death rate 2.2% …

Analysis of the global epidemic situation From November 2020, 50 million more people have been infected in less than three months (80 days) since November 2020, almost four times the rate of infection.

The rate of infection has been relatively stable throughout the range of 50-100 million, adding 10 million every 15-17 days.

It is expected that we will begin to see the effects of slowing down the outbreak at the national level. With access to vaccines in many countries After march But still not being able to stop the global epidemic Countries that do not yet have comprehensive access to vaccines are at high risk of a re-epidemic if not prevented well.

The worrisome new mutant viruses, such as the studied UK strains, were found to be 50% faster than the original and up to 1.65 times more deaths than the original. The vaccine invented for the protection will still be able to cover this strain well, however other countries are likely to have an outbreak of this strain.

While other species such as South Africa Most recently, it was found to be significantly less likely to respond to vaccines. For example, Moderna’s vaccine, it was found that the antibodies produced from the vaccine were about six times lower and could have an effect on their effectiveness. More research is now on whether a third injection is needed to boost immunity. And I heard that a new version of the vaccine is being made to better cover the South African strain. Must help to achieve success quickly

Analyze the situation in Thailand …

Looking at the terms and conditions for people to get vaccinated with different types of vaccines, we can only emphasize that we all protect ourselves in the long term. Personally, I believe that it will go to the middle of next year at least. Than most people can get various vaccines

The steps of managing past outbreaks Still unable to cut the cycle of the outbreak

If it looks natural, the outbreak is repeated These two waves are not over easily. As many people have hoped Had expected that If we manage intensely Will suppress the outbreak by at least March

But from the choice of flexible measures Making it difficult to cut the cycle of the outbreak And the number of screening is only the tens of thousands This is far less than many countries with a similar rate of infection through testing that of Thailand, and therefore, there are a lot more likely to have latent infections in their communities. This will cause the infection to spread continuously.

Traditionally seen Daily life is very difficult. And if stimulating the economy and tourism as dreamed Under the current model of business and services, there will be a serious outbreak problem. As we can see in other countries Therefore, you must be careful.

With love to everyone

Story by Nation TV | Photo by Nation TV

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