Home » today » Health » Doctor Shashkova elucidated on the initiation of thermoneurosis caused by workplace conflicts.

Doctor Shashkova elucidated on the initiation of thermoneurosis caused by workplace conflicts.

What does stress do to the body?

The mechanism of thermoneurosis is triggered when a person is in a prolonged stressful state, whether it’s problems in your personal life, a conflict at work or a sharp change in climate while traveling, says Olga Shashkova.

In such situations, the body is in the “full alert” mode, all systems are mobilized – in order to “fight or run” if necessary to prevent danger.

As a result, the immune system suffers, which weakens the control and fight against incoming microbes.explains the therapist. – If the stressful situation does not disappear, the mucous membranes are attacked by microbes, causing fever and inflammation. For example, herpes, Helicobacter pylori, streptococcus may appear, the Epstein-Barry virus may become more active.

An increase in body temperature with thermoneurosis due to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, a violation in the functioning of the thermoregulatory zone of the brain, the doctor clarifies.

“A vicious circle is formed, where stress initially weakens the immune system and causes inflammation, and the chronic inflammatory process, in turn, affects the nervous system and aggravates the stressful situation,” adds Olga Shashkova.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown that causes a fever

  • weakness, loss of strength,

  • daytime sleepiness/insomnia

  • pain in muscles and joints,

  • frequent infections or exacerbation of chronic ones (herpes, cystitis, sexual infections, etc.).

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