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Doctor: Left chest pain is a symptom of a heart attack

Usually someone who has a heart attack also experiences other accompanying symptoms such as very severe shortness of breath, cold sweat and sometimes accompanied by excessive nausea and vomiting.

Purwokerto (ANTARA) – Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist, dr. Rio Probo Kaneko, Sp.JP, FIHA reminded that left chest pain is one of the typical symptoms of a heart attack that needs to be watched out for.

“Left chest pain is a symptom of a heart attack, but not all chest pain means a heart attack. There are several signs that indicate chest pain is typical of a heart attack or not,” he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java, Sunday.

Doctors who practice at RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto explained, chest pain typical of a heart attack is not localized to one place or one point.

“A person usually feels pain like being stabbed or crushed or squeezed by a heavy object, besides that it is usually accompanied by propagation or the pain propagates, most often towards the left arm, neck, back,” he said.

In addition, he said, usually someone who had a heart attack also experienced other accompanying symptoms such as very severe shortness of breath, cold sweat and sometimes accompanied by excessive nausea and vomiting.

“That’s usually a feature that is a symptom of a heart attack,” he said.

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He also added, if a person experiences symptoms as above, there are several steps that need to be taken, namely the first to stop all activities, then rest in a sitting position or it can also be in a sleeping or lying position.

After that, immediately contact the doctor or the nearest health facility for help.

“Later, rescue measures will be carried out by a doctor or a rescue team to provide blood flow to the blocked heart arteries,” he said.

He added that while waiting for help to arrive, one must remain calm and don’t panic. In addition, it is also advised not to eat or drink because there is a risk of choking which can be dangerous.

“Usually if the individual is a heart patient who is regularly monitored, then we will give drugs that can reduce chest pain symptoms, but for those who are not heart patients, the most important thing is to implement the steps above and don’t delay contacting health facilities,” he said. .

He warned that if delays and omissions are made so that they cannot be handled quickly, it is feared that there will be more severe damage to the heart muscle and the risk could continue to cardiac arrest.

Meanwhile, he also explained that a heart attack is a condition when the flow of oxygen-containing blood stops in the coronary arteries of the heart due to a blockage in the coronary arteries.

This will cause damage to the heart muscle because the heart muscle does not get sufficient oxygen flow.

While cardiac arrest is a condition in which the heart stops beating and pumping blood throughout the body.

“This can be caused by several heart disease conditions such as heart electrical rhythm disturbances or arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, heart failure and so on,” he said.

Also read: Diligent exercise must be free from heart disease?

Reporter: Wuryanti Puspitasari
Editor: Triono Subagyo

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