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Doctor Arrested for Sexual Assault on Patient

The request for a simple medical certificate, useful for sports activities, turned into a nightmare for a 22-year-old, who reported the doctor for sexual violence. The attacker in a white coat, 59 years old, was arrested and immediately transferred to the San Vittore prison in Milan.
The episode occurred on July 19, but was only made public today by investigators. According to the complaint, the 22-year-old went to the ASL medical center in Corsico, in the Milanese hinterland, and asked for a certificate of good health. The doctor, however, took advantage of that visit to abuse the young man.
Once the shock had passed, the victim of the violence decided to file a complaint, which triggered an investigation conducted by the agents of the judicial police section of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office, coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Letizia Mannella and the PM Alessia Menegazzo. Evidence was collected, and during the investigation it was discovered that the same doctor had already been convicted in the first instance last April 16, by the ninth criminal section of the Milan Court, for sexual abuse of another young patient. A sentence of 3 years of imprisonment, on the basis of which the doctor had been banned from practicing. However, this measure had ended.
“During the investigations – confirmed the Milan Police Headquarters in a note released today – it emerged that the same doctor had already been convicted for the same crime committed with the same ‘modus operand’, and that also in that circumstance the victim was male”. The arrest was made at the end of the investigation, with the order of precautionary custody in prison signed by the investigating judge Sara Cipolla.
At this point, there is a well-founded suspicion that the 59-year-old doctor abused other men while practicing his profession. “Since the presence of other possible victims cannot be ruled out, given the high number of users of the public facility – the Police Headquarters explained – it is desirable that any other people who may have suffered similar abuses are available to report them, with the most absolute guarantees of confidentiality guaranteed by law”.

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– 2024-08-05 10:27:51

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