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Do you want to know what it feels like to rain on the planet Venus? Listen!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Not all characteristics on Venus are the same as on Earth. Including the weather and the rain that fell there.

The weather there is quite terrible, namely very hot, high air pressure, strong winds. Even the rain contains sulfuric acid, quoted by Phys.org, Tuesday (13/4/2021).

A number of flybys that fly indicate Venus has dense clouds that produce lightning. But the planet does not experience rainfall except in the form of sulfuric acid, and there are theories that the lightning there was also caused by volcanic eruptions.

The planet Venus has wind speeds of up to 85m / s or 300 km / h at the top of the cloud. These winds surround the plant every four to five Earth days.

At this speed, the wind can move up to 60 times the rotational speed of Venus. While on Earth the wind speed is only 10-20% of the planet’s rotation.

The wind is blowing toward the retrograde, which is the fastest region near the poles. Whereas approaching the equator, wind speed is absent.

With a thick atmosphere, it makes the wind blow slower when it approaches the planet’s surface. Wind speed is only 5 km / hour.

The thick atmosphere was like a current of water compared to a gust of wind. So it can blow dust and move small rocks on the surface.

For the composition of the atmosphere is very poisonous. One of them has carbon dioxide reaching 96.5% and nitrogen only 3.5% and other gases.

Combined with the density, the composition of the atmosphere produces the strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system.

Venus is also known as one of the hottest planets. Its surface has an average of 462 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, above the Co2 layer, there is a thick beginning containing sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid. They are the ones in charge of reflecting the sun back into space.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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