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Do you want to build? You can also give the municipality a thousand per residential meter

Thousands of crowns per square meter of living space are now paid by applicants for a building permit in the village of Kly in the Mělník region if a road has already been built next to the land. “We introduced the fee in the summer. If the road is not there and the costs of its construction are borne by the investor of the construction, then the fee is not paid. If the communication is complete and the investor just joins it, then yes, “Mayor Pavel Michalíček told Práva.

The fee for the appreciation of the land is purely within the competence of the municipalities. “Somewhere they distinguish what you are connecting to, whether only communication or other infrastructure. The amount of the fee varies, but it can even be 150 thousand crowns for a housing unit, “confirmed an employee of the construction department of the municipal office in Říčany near Prague.

Kladno collects fees for permits for new construction, but they only apply to investors for projects from four residential units or from four family houses and non-residential premises. For flats, the fee depends on the size and amounts to 15 to 30 thousand crowns per flat. For projects for the construction of houses or the creation of plots, the investor pays CZK 30,000 per house or plot. “The fees are aimed at expanding the sewerage system, at expanding the treatment plant and other public services associated with further development,” Lenka Růžková, a spokeswoman for Kladno City Hall, told Práva.

Two decrees concerning the land valuation fee were approved this year in Telč. People who already had a water supply and connected to the sewerage system will pay 300 crowns by the end of June, and the owners of the new connection to the water and sewerage system will pay 450 crowns per meter.

Money for development?

However, the land appraisal fee is not comprehensive and in many areas they do not require anything like this as a condition of a building permit. For example in southern Moravia or in southern Bohemia.

“We do not choose anything like that. The networked plot of land in our country costs more than CZK 4,000 per square meter, so the price would have increased the price even more, “Jan Zeman, the mayor of Boršov nad Vltavou, told Práva. He reminded that the infrastructure of the village must be built from something. “The property tax coefficient should be changed and temporary residence should be reintroduced. The village has nothing of the rented units, “says Mayor Zeman.

The fee for the evaluation of building land was discussed at the beginning of the year by the Legal Congress of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, and it turned out that its collection is unknown to many mayors. The local fee for the improvement of a building plot with the possibility of its connection to the construction of a water supply or sewerage system is contained in the provisions of the Act on Local Fees.

“The taxpayer is always only the owner of the building land, which is registered in the real estate cadastre as the owner at the time of land valuation. It doesn’t matter if the owner really has the will to connect to the water supply or sewerage system, “said lawyer Robin Mlynář. According to him, it is sufficient if the land is valued by the possibility of connection to the water supply or sewerage system.

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