Home » today » News » Do you think you have corona? As of today you can check online whether and where you should get tested

Do you think you have corona? As of today you can check online whether and where you should get tested

When you have some sore throat and a cough, you can go through the from this afternoon website mijngezondheid.be check whether you might be infected with corona and therefore it is best to get tested. You do this by filling in a questionnaire. “There is a built-in system behind it that has been fully developed with general practitioners, pediatricians and epidemiologists to find out what advice we can give you,” says Karine Moykens of the covid task force.

“Either you will be advised to get tested, or you will be told that there does not appear to be an immediate risk of COVID-19. If it turns out that we recommend that you have a PCR test, you will automatically find the link to the online tool where you can get a free test code,” explains Moykens.

The questionnaire is completely anonymous, with the link to the test code you have to fill in your personal details. With that test code you can go to a test center. The aim is to unburden the pressured general practitioners. “If you really feel ill or if you are a risk patient, the GP will remain the person you should turn to,” emphasizes Moykens.

The tool is only available online. And the system is not completely fraud-proof, admits Karine Moykens. People can fill out the questionnaire in such a way that they get a free test code. “We assume that we can count on people’s common sense,” said Moykens. “But we do build in one thing: you will only be able to request such a code once every 11 days so that people won’t use it to go to an event or to go on vacation.”

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