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Do you think he infected NRK profile

TV 2 correspondent Fredrik Græsvik informs Dagbladet that he has recently been infected with corona, and that he believes that he may have infected NRK’s ​​US correspondent Lars Os.

Os himself confirms to Dagbladet that he “apparently” is corona infected – probably with the omicron variant.

On the night of the second Christmas day Norwegian time, NRK’s ​​Lars Os posted a post on his Instagram page.

– No one doubts that this was a fantastic meal by Fredrik Græsvik. Just a shame I could not taste any of the ribs. Merry Christmas! he writes, and attach the subject tags # covid_19 and #pandemic.

– Probably infected by me

We have previously told Medier24 that he planned to have Christmas dinner with, among others, TV 2 correspondent Fredrik Græsvik.

Græsvik, for his part, writes the following, under a picture of this year’s Christmas ribs:

– I nailed it. Have! Too bad one of my guests came with corona and was devoid of taste buds.

In the post, he has tagged Os, and attached the hashtag # covid-19.

Græsvik writes in an SMS to Dagbladet that he himself has just been infected, and that he came out of quarantine on Thursday.

– The guest was NRK’s ​​Lars Os, who was probably infected by me, he writes.

Græsvik says that he only got symptoms on Tuesday last December 14, and believes that he may have infected Os around then.

– By all accounts corona

Os elaborates in an e-mail to Dagbladet on the second day of Christmas:

– By all accounts, it’s probably corona, yes. I discovered that the sense of taste and smell was gone when I ate the ribs that Fredrik had made last night, he writes. On Tuesday I tested negative on a PCR test, but the same night I got a galloping fever, and became quite lethargic the next day.

However, he has not tested himself again, due to what he describes as “huge queues” at the clinics in Washington DC.

– I just kept calm. Quick tests are not available in the shops, everyone wanted to test themselves before Christmas. It takes several days to get an answer, so I have only behaved as if I was infected by covid.

AKER BRYGGE: Sara (22) was infected by omikron after visiting Louise Restaurant & Bar. Thomas Tuft (48) filmed the narrow dance floor. Video: Private
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– Probably omikron

However, Os does not take the potential infection so terribly seriously.

– It’s a bit weird that the Christmas food does not taste good, but there is no crisis. I’m in great shape. No symptoms other than loss of taste and smell. So it will not affect me in the future. I get my job done anyway. If you are symptom-free, you do not infect others, and can move around among people. But still use a face mask where you have to, for example on the plane, he writes, and concludes:

– The probability of omicron is probably greatest, but I find out when I take a blood sample in a few weeks.

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