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Do you suffer from stress all the time? What happens to the body every day

Do you suffer from stress all the time? Then you must absolutely know this, this is what happens to your body every day, you would not imagine it

Perennial stress: what happens to the body

In the last period, with the arrival of the pandemic, our life has changed radically and the level of stress has increased significantly exponentially. The number of suicides has increased, as has the number of people who have turned to specific professionals, such as psychologists. Dealing with a period of closure and estrangement from the world is not easy and certainly, however difficult it may be for everyone, not everyone reacts in the same way. There are those who manage to find a balance and those who let themselves go. In any case, everyone, some more, some less, is subjected to a truly enormous amount of stress. We are used to thinking that stress only and exclusively affects our mind, but in reality it is not. Stress is like a poison, which slowly involves our entire organism poisoning it. So here’s what happens to our body …

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Do you suffer from stress all the time? Here’s what happens to your body every day

As we told you before, stress is to be considered as a poison that slowly eats you from the inside. Thus going to harm not only the psyche, but also the body, which in the long run begins to suffer from the most disparate problems. Problems you might never have attributed to stress. Among the most common and in any case the most insidious ones that could arise are …

  1. Headache, migraines, headaches
  2. Hair loss, not the classic skin renewal, but a huge loss of capillary mass
  3. Acne or psoriasis
  4. Insomnia, one of the main consequences of stress. The brain, no longer able to oxygenate in the correct way, has problems falling asleep, creating a real vicious circle.
  5. Heart problems. Stress and anxiety increase the heart rate, subjecting the heart to considerable stress. In some cases, a heart attack can also occur.
  6. Accumulation of fat
  7. Loss of libido …

These are just some of the reasons why you need to be very careful about stress, which can easily affect our body. Not only mentally, but also physically.

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