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Do you suffer from hepatic steatosis? Here’s what diet to follow!

Prohibited food

Follow a low-calorie diet.

Limit the consumption of bread, pasta and bakery products made from white flour, instant or pre-cooked white rice, sweetened cereals.

Stop consuming fruit juices and carbonated drinks, commercial sweets, fruits preserved in sweet syrup. Limit the consumption of honey, molasses, glucose, dextrose, raw sugar.

Flavored or sweet yogurts are not good either. Products sweetened with high fructose corn syrup are dangerous, as they promote the deposition of lipids in the liver.

Avoid trans fats, from commercial products prepared from hydrogenated fats and margarine.

Avoid saturated fats – fatty meat, sausages, matured cheeses, palm oil, butter.

Find out on clickpentrufemei.ro what foods to eat to get rid of fat located in the liver.

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