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Do you suffer from cold sore? This is what you can do about it

Have you ever suffered from cold sores? It is very annoying! In this article, we list everything about cold sores: from symptoms to treatment.

Cold sore symptoms

With a cold sore you see a red spot with fluid-filled blisters. People who have ever had a cold sore probably recognize the itching, tingling, and burning sensation. You usually experience this sensation before blisters develop. These eventually dry out after a day or two, after which scabs form. The wound usually heals within ten days. Cold sores – the name says it all – usually develops on or around the lips, however it is also possible for blisters to develop elsewhere, such as on the chin, nose or eyelid.

This is how a cold sore occurs

What actually causes a cold sore? The nagging spot is caused by the herpes virus. That virus is also in the blister fluid. You can transmit or contract the virus through your hands, hugging, kissing, or through objects belonging to someone with a cold sore. Think cutlery, glass, towel or lip balm. Most people carry the herpes virus, between 50 and 70 percent. There is a good chance that you already had the virus in your childhood, after which it remains in your body for the rest of your life, but is not active.

Causes of the virus again active

There is a chance that you carry the virus with you, but you never have a cold sore. But in other people, sometimes the virus can become active again and cold sores can develop. There are a number of things that can get the virus back active:
  • Sunlight or solarium
  • The fever
  • Cold or sore throat
  • An operation
  • Medicines that reduce your immune system
  • Tiredness and stress
  • Period
  • Flapping lips and wounds

How contagious is a cold sore?

From the moment you have a tingling, itching, or burning sensation, a cold sore can be contagious. If you feel that one is coming, you need to be very careful. An infection happens very quickly. There are a number of things you can do to counter this:
  • Don’t touch cold sores.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after accidentally touching a cold sore.
  • Touch others as little as possible.
  • Pay special attention to infants, young children, and people with weakened immune systems. They can get very sick from an infection.
  • Don’t share makeup products with other people and be careful with your products.
  • Beware of shared towels and washcloths.
  • Pay close attention to yourself, because you can also have a herpes infection in the eye, for example.

Prevent a cold sore

We’ve already said it: if you carry the herpes virus with you, the virus can break out again under certain circumstances and cause cold sores. Fortunately, there are some tips that can help you avoid this.
  • The herpes virus has a better chance when your stamina is lower. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. Don’t smoke, eat healthy, and get plenty of exercise.
  • Protect your lips with a lip balm or cream. Always use a lip balm with SPF when you go out in the sun.

Can you cure a cold sore?

In principle, cold sores disappear on their own and require no treatment. But if it bothers you a lot, there are a few things you can do: With a burning, tingling or itching sensation
  • Use Acyclovir cream, an antiviral cream. Apply this on the lip five times a day. It can make cold sores go away a little faster.
With blisters
  • If you only have blisters, but not yet scabs, you can use zinc oxide or zinc sulfate. This ensures that the blisters dry a little faster.
  • Lidocaine / zinc oxide liniment or lidocaine petroleum jelly can reduce pain.
  • A hydrocolloid patch
  • You can apply a neutral cream such as petroleum jelly on the scabs. This softens the scabs, but contains no medicine.
Be careful not to spread the creams on the area and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after application. Do you want more information on a cold sore or are you worried? Then contact your doctor. Bron: Thuisarts, Cosmopolitan Photo: Getty Images More girlfriend? Follow us on Facebook in Instagram. You can also subscribe to our weekly Friend newsletter.

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