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Do you spend enough time on your vitality?

It is clear that physical vitality has a positive contribution in the workplace. Provides more energy, less physical discomfort, and more focus on your work. That’s why you see more and more employees paying more attention to their vitality. Below we give you 5 guidelines to see if you are also busy enough with your physical health.

Train at least half an hour a day

Little exercise increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also of depression. Your cognitive performance also deteriorates if you don’t train enough. That is why it is important that you train for at least half an hour every day. The secret of perseverance often lies in variation. Don’t do the same thing every day. For example, you can go for a walk one day, go to the gym the next, and do yoga the next. Make a good plan for yourself. Who puts a stick behind the door!

Follow a healthy diet

No, we don’t mean the diet. Make sure you eat regularly and in a varied way. This is the only way to get enough nutrients. During your work day, therefore, also consume enough vegetables and fruit snacks to get your daily 400 grams of fruit and vegetables. In addition, enough fiber and healthy fats are also important. The record of five, you probably know, is a good mnemonic for that.

Training Tip: Need Help Creating a Healthy Diet? Follow the e-learning “Towards a healthy and conscious diet” on our online learning platform!

Drink enough water

You probably hear it quite often, but do you really know why it’s so important to you? Fluid deficiency causes, among other things:

  • Reduce brain function. Think of impaired ability to concentrate and impaired memory
  • Loss of physical performance. Moving is much heavier and you get tired faster
  • Increased risk of headaches and migraines

So make sure you drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day!

Do stretching exercises

By now you know that working out for half an hour a day is good for you. But also, sitting at your desk for hours on end isn’t ideal for your joints. Many people suffer from neck, shoulder and / or back pain. And those few trips to the bathroom are unfortunately not enough to solve this problem! You can prevent this with stretching exercises. Therefore, set an alarm every hour, so you don’t forget to pay attention to your muscles for a few minutes.

On our online learning platform you will find several essentials with quick stretches perfect for the office or at home.

Get a good night’s sleep

The last but not least pillar is good restful sleep. There are so many consequences of a bad night’s sleep that they can define the whole day. Not only do you tire faster, but your motor skills also weaken, you feel less happy, and you make unhealthy choices faster regarding your diet or exercise, because you are too tired for it. You also have a higher risk of diseases such as diabetes, as sleep deprivation disrupts your metabolism.

Some tips for getting a better night’s sleep:

  • Be active during the day, but not later in the evening
  • Don’t drink coffee in the evening
  • Stop watching television and the phone an hour before bedtime
  • Have a regular rhythm, get up at about the same time each day, and go to bed at about the same time

Do you need more support?

AND? Do you all follow these guidelines? Doing well! If not, you could probably use some help. On our online learning platform you will find various training courses that will help you or your employees to work on a healthy job and lifestyle. This way you are not alone!

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