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“Do you speak southern?” celebrates its 100th video, the great adventure of Yves Pujol and Eric Malet continues

“Do you speak southern? ” words, expressions that smell the region. The small web modules stamped Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur are a hit on the web with several million views. A great adventure crowned by the publication of a 100th video on January 6.

« Oh peuchère » you are badly screwed! That’s what I thought to myself when I was asked to write this article on the anniversary tier of the hit “Do you speak the south?” “.

For an uninitiated Lyonnaise, freshly arrived in PACA, speaking southern is a bit like learning Mandarin as soon as you wake up!

Fortunately, the web modules of “Do you speak southern? » are well made, effective and very popular and seasonal!

They just passed the 30 million views online after 2 and a half years of existence.

“It’s incredible, we didn’t expect it at all. Some words have exceeded a million views! notes Eric Malet, editor/director at France 3.

What’s amazing is that people stop us in the street when we turn, they recognize Yves and come for a photo. They say bravo to us, it’s great to talk about us, our own words,

“La cagole”, for example, has exceeded 1 million 400,000 cumulative views on the networks:

I jump in and get into the game.

I watch several of these little clips that say it all…in 1 minute. Dozens of words explained and produced in a humorous tone. A real performance for the two accomplices who are Eric Malet and Yves Pujol, the actor.

“It’s a lot of work,” says Yves Pujol.

“We agree on the list of words retained. I go into journalist/artist mode. I am researching the etymology because several meanings are possible. I don’t want people talking nonsense, so I’m laying a solid foundation to allow myself a little bit of improvisation.”

Initially Eric Malet and Yves Pujol left for 20 numbers. It was in May 2019. Today the 100th clip arrives on the social networks of France 3.

« We looked for an emblematic word from the south and we wondered what to say. “Tchatcher” finally imposed itself as an evidence. After all, chatting is what we’ve been doing since the beginning. It’s symbolic, a nod to all the southern expressionsEric Malet sums up.

“Le fada”, “ya ​​degun” there is no one, “it sucks” it sticks or even “being encatané” to be unlucky. Southern speaking is a show all by itself.

Sometimes larger than life, says actor Yves Pujol.

During the micro sidewalks sometimes people make us laugh, some are so authentic. We can’t do better than that as characters. We meet colorful people, so funny, that even we laugh about it,

There are phrases that often come up when the public asks them “Do you speak the south? »

“Ah my grandfather/grandmother used to say that all the time”. A sort of Proust madeleine that brings them back to happy childhood memories. This is what makes the success of the program according to Eric Malet who remembers in particular a beautiful message coming straight from Chicago ” We had a letter from a French expatriate who had grown up in PACA. He told us how moved he was each time he discovered one of our videos. For him, it was like reopening his family album.»

“Do you speak southern?” the full is here: france3paca

PVLS is a short, funny and informative program broadcast on social networks (Facebook, YouTube from France 3 PACA). Whether you are native to the south or not, you always learn something there. The origin of an expression or the meaning of a word sometimes used for several centuries.

The ending gimmick is a discovery by Eric Malet and he is very proud of it. “People know that more than the title” he concludes. For Yves Pujol “There is a real sympathy capital, a positive dynamic. It’s a pleasure”.

It’s obvious that these two are having a lot of fun and are fired up to keep going. Eric and Yves have practice. That’s good, the suggestion box is well stocked. No shortage in sight. So, back to my express viewing to try to catch up.

Before hanging up, Yves Pujol gives me an appointment for the article of the 200th.

We can say that he “chats”!

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