Manado, TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Often diabetes is only realized after experiencing type 2 diabetes.
It also begins to be realized when undergoing medical check up or blood tests, after feeling that serious complications are starting to appear.
Often the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes cannot be felt.
This is what often triggers serious complications.
In fact, there are some signs of diabetes mellitus that are often not realized.
Here are 4 diabetes symptoms that people often ignore, compiled from Health24.
1. Infection of the gums
According to research published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, periodontitis or infection of the gums can be an early sign of type 2 diabetes.
The study found that people with gum disease, especially those with severe cases, had higher rates of diabetes (both diagnosed and undiagnosed).
Inflammation of the gums can also be a sign of elevated blood sugar levels, which is a clear indication of type 2 diabetes.