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Do you know what the cinema knee is? Here’s how to recognize it and what the remedies are

November 23, 2020 – 6:43 PM

the pain that occurs when sitting for a long time with bent joints, as happens in theaters in front of the big screen. But not the only nuisance to these joints to be investigated

of Antonella Sparvoli

It makes you your knee hurts when you get up after sitting for a long time, twisting or do you still have pain only in the front? Often from these little signals that characterize the way in which the pain is presented, it is possible to guess the possible cause and therefore to direct the diagnosis. But be careful, it is not always the case to deepen, as he points out Roberto D’Anchise, Head of the Knee Surgery Operating Unit, Galeazzi Irccs Orthopedic Institute of Milan. Abnormal stresses they can inflame the knee joint, but don’t be alarmed at the first pain. Everyone can happen to be annoyed, but as long as it is an occasional pain, which does not create problems and regresses spontaneously don’t be alarmed. If the pain felt occasionally after sporting activityRemember to stretch before and after training. The case is different persistent pain or occurs whenever a certain action is performed, then it is better not to neglect it and try to trace the origin, even more so if other symptoms are associated such as swelling.

Infographic: Mirco Tangherlini

November 23, 2020 | 18:43


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