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Do you know the benefits of donating eggs?

Due to genetics, stress or age, more and more couples need to resort to assisted reproductive techniques to fulfill their dream of starting a family.

Among them, the In Vitro Fertilization with donor eggs is one of the most common and with the highest success rate in women who for various reasons do not have ovarian function.

Donating eggs is a voluntary and altruistic act. However, specialized fertility centers have certain requirements for women who want to be donors; in turn, these receive a series of benefits, not entirely known.

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The first thing to know is that egg donation “is a safe procedure; it does not affect the fertility of the donor and brings benefits “, they explain from the In Vitro Fertilization Center of Asturias, CEFIVA, where since 1991 there is the Oocyte Donation Program, thanks to which pregnancies are achieved that would be impossible by natural means.

CEFIVA’s egg donor recruitment system is simple. It is aimed at women between the ages of 18 and 30, who are in good physical, psychological and reproductive health.

For this, the specialist team performs a complete medical check-up on the donor. This includes explorations, analytics, serological tests to rule out diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, C or syphilis; as well as genetic studies to detect any possible abnormality.

«Thanks to these tests, the donor woman has an exhaustive knowledge of her health status at no cost. And most importantly, a genetic diagnosis that she does not have any disease that she can transmit if she decides to be a mother in the future, “says Pedro de la Fuente, gynecologist and coordinator of the clinic.

Once the donor is considered suitable, she undergoes ovarian stimulation treatment and then proceeds to follicular puncture, which consists of a simple intervention for the extraction of the eggs, with which the donation procedure concludes. “In a week the whole process is resolved and the donor can lead a normal life,” he points out.

Economic compensation.

The sale of eggs is prohibited by law. In Spain, the regulations on Assisted Human Reproduction techniques allow female egg donors to receive financial compensation from the institution responsible for the extraction, for the inconvenience caused by the donation, not for the gametes themselves. The amount that is received for each egg donation ranges between 800 and 1000 euros.

As specialists in genetics and fertility, from CEFIVA they ensure that donor women feel satisfied after the process. “Most repeat,” they say.

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At the forefront of reproduction treatments applied in the world, CEFIVA has on its team experienced and prestigious medical professionals, which has led them to be one of the pioneer centers in Spain in performing the following techniques: Conjugal Artificial Insemination Y donor, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Embryo Freezing, Sperm Bank, Oocyte Donation Program, Sperm Microinjection (ICSI), Diagnostics Preimplantational Genetics, Program for HIV serodiscordant patients, HVC, Oocyte vitrification program with automated system and embryo culture with TIME LAPSE Technology (Embryoscope,) among others.

With center in Plaza de los Ferrocarriles Económica de Asturias,

6-8 in Oviedo, in CEFIVA the first consultation is free and all treatments are financed.

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