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Do you know how much Belen Rodriguez earns? He could buy the players – the Democrat

Dizzying figures for the famous Argentine showgirl, her earnings are astronomical.

Star of TV and social media, Belen Rodriguez is perhaps the most requested showgirl of the moment. Having arrived in Italy more than 10 years ago, she took her first steps in the world of fashion and entertainment by modeling for important brands. Her beauty was immediately noticed and the transition to television was instantaneous. Good looking and very nice, Belen has made the tissue in many television broadcasts. Many will remember her in the satirical program that aired in the late evening, “Dyeing“, His first real experience on TV.

Its real popularity begins in 2008 when he participated in the Island of the Famous. Argentina finished second, but it was the undisputed protagonist of that edition also thanks to the alleged relationship with Rossano Rubicondi, despite Belen at the time was engaged to the footballer Marco Borriello. Successful showgirl but also a mother. In fact, his second daughter, Luna Marì, was recently born from the relationship with Antonino Spinalbese. After the fluctuating relationship with Stefano di Martino, Belen seems to have finally found a sentimental stability that has also allowed her the great joy of a second child.

Belen and his salary, so high that he can buy anything he wants

Belen Rodriguez
Beauty pays and pays for itself. This is precisely the case of Belen. Being the most famous showgirl in Italy has incredible economic implications. Highly requested for disco nights, events, sponsorships, advertising. Having her face and her body even on a simple advertising billboard in the street guarantees visibility and a considerable return of earnings for those who wanted her as a testimonial. From various rumors then, some made known by Argentina itself, we are aware of the earnings obtained by Rodriguez in her career on the small screen

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Argentina is one of the highest paid hosts on TV. Already in 2012 Belen, according to figures reported in the newspapers, he was earning around 2 million euros a year. For his participation in Sanremo 2011 he earned 150 thousand euros. While. the data dating back to 2018 speak of a figure that is around 4 million per year. The cachet seems to have grown further over the years. In fact, today we talk up to 30 thousand euros per evening or event. Belen also owns a talent agency, “Icona Production” and the company “The Family Factory” which manages some beauty salons. Icon Production’s balance sheet closed the year 2019 with revenues that go beyond 1.1 million euros. A real millionaire heritage for the Argentine showgirl.

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