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Do you hear tinnitus? Know the most important causes and how to treat?

After attending a loud concert or being exposed to loud sounds, we notice that a sound that comes from afar resembles a humming and remains stuck in the ear for quite some time, without knowing a specific source. This buzzing is only heard by its owner in the presence of complete silence and published the Bright Side website Brightside More about this phenomenon known as tinnitus in his report, as follows:

The loud sound causes tinnitus

Voice from unknown location:

The humming sound or any strange sounds we hear, scientifically known as tinnitus, which is an illusory perception of a sound In the form of a roar or crackle something, the symptoms of this whistling Generally temporary, and the voice may be weak or very loud that you cannot talk to others because of it, however if that voice lasts for a long time or if it is repeated regularly, it can mix with the details of the daily life of the person who suffers from it. Doctor, find out the causes and treatment.

Loud music causes buzzing
Loud music causes buzzing

Causes of tinnitus:

Our sense of hearing occurs through the ear cells that are located in the inner layer, which are in the form of small villi located near the cochlea, and move according to the sound waves that reach our ears, after which the auditory nerve receives these waves and works to interpret them into signals that the brain understands, but when These villi are exposed to scratching, so they do not send sound waves in the way they received them, and therefore false signals are sent to the brain, which in turn makes us feel strange sounds known as tinnitus.

Another important reason for this tinnitus is brain and neck injuries, due to their direct contact with the hearing centers, also exposure to excessive pressure may lead to the occurrence of tinnitus, and in some cases the cause of tinnitus is what is known as otosclerosis.

Low volume of the earpiece
Low volume of the earpiece

Reasons for the occurrence of scratches

Those scratches that affect the villi inside the ear occur for several reasons, the most important of which is exposure to loud sounds for a long time such as loud parties or noise, and raising the volume of the earpiece level. In the initial cases, these symptoms can be eliminated easily, but in some late cases these symptoms may become permanent.

Scratching the villi near the cochlea
Scratching the villi near the cochlea

Tinnitus treatment

If you are exposed to these symptoms for a long time and the sounds you listen to are always loud, this of course negatively affects your daily life and causes you fatigue and lack of focus in addition to problems with memory and sleep rate, so it is best to be careful to avoid loud noises and do not use the earphone.headphones At a high volume level, and if you have to go to noisy occasions, then you can use earmuffs to relieve the symptoms, and you must follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to maintain cardiovascular health, and so far there is no specific treatment for tinnitus.

The sound of bells is dangerous for hearing
The sound of bells is dangerous for hearing

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