Home » today » Health » Do you have or want to get tattoos? What this says about you – study

Do you have or want to get tattoos? What this says about you – study

Contrary to popular belief, having a lot of tattoos does not necessarily express low self-confidence. On the contrary, scientists say.

They found that women who have more than four drawings on their skin also have more self-confidence, according to a recent study by sociologists at Texas Tech University.

According to research cited by Medical Daily, tattoos are a kind of therapy for young women who experience intense emotional distress. However, it is true that among these women there are even more suicide attempts, the study shows.

In the research, sociology professor Jerome Koch interviewed 2,395 students from six US state universities. 80% of the respondents were between 18 and 20 years old, 67% were Caucasian, and 59% were female. In addition to tattoos, scientists also measured the level of depression, the number of suicide attempts, and self-confidence.

The analysis of the data showed that, although among women with more than four tattoos, suicide attempts were four times higher, and their level of self-confidence was higher compared to women who had only one tattoo or no one.

And among men with many tattoos, it has been observed that suicidal thoughts are more, three times more than in the case of men without tattoos. However, statistics show that in men, in general, they are more likely to commit suicide. In 2013, in the US, 77.9% of those who committed suicide were men, while 22.1% were women.

The new Swedish princess has a piercing and tattoo and posed topless (Photo gallery)

Scientists have concluded that tattooing is a way to regain some of the self-confidence lost.

The art of tattooing is thousands of years old, some of the first drawings on the skin being found on Egyptian mummies. In 1991, however, the discovery of the “Snowman”, near the Italian border with Austria, also meant finding the oldest tattoo, 5,200 years old.

It is known that the pre-Columbian cultures of Peru and Chile, but also the Inuit used tattoos, both for therapeutic purposes and for beauty.

The Greeks also used tattoos, but in their case they were used to mark slaves and criminals. The Romanians did the same, the practice being found in China and Japan. Old-fashioned designs from the Iron Age have been discovered in Japan.

The term itself is derived from the Polynesian word “tatatau” or “tattau”. The practice has become popular among European sailors, but also among miners, reaching as far as the United States. Today, tattoo wearers are from all walks of life, the only difference being how “prominent” they are.

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