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Do you have difficulty sleeping? Natural ways to help you

Lack of sleep has become a side effect of shutting down COVID-19This may be due to a change in lifestyle, stress, or increased use of screen and gadgets. Lack of sleep is often confused with insomnia, sleep apnea, and various types of sleep disorders.

Reports refer by site onlymyhealth“Our bodies need 7-8 hours of sleep while some health advocates claim that 5 hours of sleep is sufficient, but in fact, more than the length of sleep, how healthy your sleep is what is important, and of course maintaining the basic level of sleep 7-8 hours is important, however, this sleep time may vary from children to adults.

Why is sleep important to us?

Sleep plays a major role in the functioning of our bodies because it controls our appetite by regulating our hormones ghrelin and leptin, and it also helps build our immunity, control blood sugar, brain function, and growth (yes, in adolescence and childhood, sleep is important for growth and development. So, think about how much screen your child is using. Sleep is our basic need like food, water and breathing.

What are the causes of lack of sleep?

Anxiety, weight, depression or feelings of decline, lifestyle, factors related to age and underlying conditions, to name a few, and there are many causes for lack of sleep, and stress, anxiety, age and many other underlying health issues can lead to lack of sleep or the inability to sleep. Lifestyle has become a major factor on sleepless nights.

The importance of sleep

When the sensors in our eyes are exposed to full-spectrum light like the sun, it sends signals to our brain to wake up and when it gets dark, it sends signals to our body to sleep. Our bedroom should be completely dark at night.

I know you will be wondering if there is no sun but think the blue light emanating from screens or gadgets like mobile phone, television and all other artificial lights at night it disrupts our sleep pattern. Our eye sensors are very sensitive to blue light. Just turning on your mobile phone or screen for a few seconds can cause the sleep hormone melatonin to drop.

The most important natural way to get a good sleep

Here are the most important natural ways to get a good sleep:

1- Drink a cup of warm milk and add a pinch of nutmeg powder. Milk contains tryptophan, which helps release the sleep hormone melatonin. Nutmeg has a calming effect on our bodies and aids sleep.

2 If you can make almond milk at home, it is a better option. Homemade almond milk with a pinch of nutmeg and cardamom helps a good sleep. If you have sleep apnea, suggest adding ginger and nutmeg in a cup of homemade almond milk.

3 Pistachios – Pistachios are rich in melatonin, as our body needs 0.30 mg of melatonin daily, which is easily available in two pistachios.

4- Other foods rich in melatonin include tomatoes, mushrooms, paprika, grapes, cherries, strawberries, egg whites, fish, lentils, beans, and sprouts are all rich sources of melatonin.

5- In the winter, eat some cherries and strawberries for a snack? Not only are they low in calories, but they are really rich in melatonin and anthocyanins that are needed by our body.

6- Adding some simple home remedies such as using sesame oil (in winter) or coconut oil (in summer) on the soles of your feet before going to bed can be helpful.

7. Get some sunlight and reduce the blue artificial light when you turn on the mobile phone, or any electronic gadgets can interfere with sleep. But get enough sunlight for vitamin D.

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