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Do you have any questions for us? We answer them in video (and discover our first answers)

Do you have any questions for us?  We answer them in video (and discover our first answers)

Do you have questions about us and how we work? Univers Freebox is preparing a new episode of its FAQ for you, and you can participate.

It’s go again ! We are preparing our 5th U-FAQ video where we answer your questions. As a reminder, the principle is very simple: it is frequently asked questions. In the comments of this article, you are free to submit your questions to us, whatever they are about us! (with respect all the same)

From the way Univers Freebox works, from our relations with Free or other telecom players, to the more personal questions you want to ask team members, whether they are journalists, developers, directors, digital assistant (s), etc. you have carte blanche! It is above all about allowing you to discover a little behind the scenes of Univers Freebox, in a more informal setting than through an article or our other video formats.

If you missed the first 4 episodes, you can find them below. Do not hesitate to check if your question has already been asked.


We will make a selection and then answer it all together on our YouTube channel. On your keyboards and see you on Sunday March 7 for the broadcast on YouTube!

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