Do you have a commercial property up your sleeve? This company is looking!
The SCHOLPP group of companies is the leading service provider for the global relocation and assembly of industrial plants. The company is currently looking for real estate.
1 Min.
The SCHOLPP group of companies has been a partner to Dresden’s industry for over 25 years.
Over 700 employees at seven German and four global locations help keep companies agile. This means that almost 20,000 transport and assembly services are carried out every year – in 50 countries so far.
Since 1998 SCHOLPP the partner for Dresden industry. The team supports regional companies from all industries in assembling machines and production lines.
Now the international service provider is looking from now on a new locationin order to prepare ourselves in the best possible way for future tasks and to continue to grow successfully with our customers here in Saxony.
You can find more information about the SCHOLPP group of companies here.
This type of property is wanted:
The property should ideally be located in… North of Dresden close to the A4 condition.
Die Office space should have an area of ca. 250 m² have.
In addition, one will Cold hall from 1,500 m² and an open area from 2,000 m² needed.
Do you have a property for SCHOLPP?
Please feel free to contact us by email with your real estate offers [email protected]. Thank you!
Radeburger Straße 220 | 01109 Dresden
Tel. +49 (0)351 833931-16
2023-12-06 23:03:51
#commercial #property #sleeve #company