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Do you have a business? The Polish Deal will turn taxes upside down

The New Polish Deal introduces a tax revolution. Do you have a business? You will definitely feel it. First, there will be a tax-free amount for everyone. And it’s quite a lot – as much as 30 thousand. PLN per year. Secondly, the income threshold increases – from approx. 85 thousand. will grow to 120,000 PLN. Thirdly – and from the point of view of entrepreneurs it is the most important – the lump-sum health contribution is gone.

Today it is PLN 381 and 81 cents for everyone, regardless of whether they will earn 2.5 thousand. PLN or 25 thousand. PLN in a month. And this means that people with really high incomes practically did not contribute – of course by percentage – to the health system.

Therefore, the contribution in the reform proposed by the Polish Deal is to be calculated as a percentage. It is 9 percent. This will make people with low incomes profit, because they will pay less than PLN 381.

In the case of a person earning tens of thousands of zlotys, it will amount to even several thousand zlotys. Of course, in such a case, the shock will be partially “amortized” by the increase in the income threshold and the tax-free amount. The problem, however, is that the health insurance contribution cannot be deducted from your income.

See also: New Law of PiS. Marek Belka: Taxes do not have to be low

New Polish Deal. Change in health insurance contribution. Who will gain?

Who exactly will benefit from it? Let’s assume an income at the level of PLN 2,800, so today’s minimum wage (this, of course, does not apply in the case of a sole proprietorship). In this case, the entrepreneur will gain about PLN 200 per month on the changes to the Polish Order.


With the amount of PLN 4,000, it will be an additional PLN 161, and with PLN 5,000 it will be only PLN 71 in earnings. Who will gain? People who are active but are not croissants: small florists, kiosks or dressmakers.

The threshold of change from profit to loss is at ca. PLN. Then the proposals from the Polish Deal will mean higher costs of doing business. With PLN 8,000, someone will pay extra about PLN 199 per month in taxes and health insurance on the VAT invoice (FV). This is still a small amount.

At 15 thousand. PLN monthly income, it will be an additional PLN 1106 to be paid. At 30 thousand. of income, so in Polish conditions an extremely high amount, as much as PLN 2,560 increase.


New Polish Deal. No more pushing into self-employment?

Where did these changes come from? For a long time, some employees have been pushed out for business activity in Poland. Even in spite of the financial crisis, the number of small businesses is increasing, and instead of working full-time on an invoice. Now tax optimization will pay off much less here.

– The changes that have been announced will certainly reduce the popularity of the so-called self-employment. It can be expected that some of those who have already decided (or have been forced into this form of professional activity) will seriously consider returning to an employment contract. Those who are currently employed under a contract of employment will certainly be less willing to change – comments Grzegorz Szysz, tax advisor and partner at Grant Thornton.

Effect? The state will benefit not only from the health contribution, but also in the case of resignation from FV in favor of full-time jobs, also on other contributions, mainly pension contributions. Of course, the employee will also benefit, because he will save much more for his future benefit.


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