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Do you feel there is a miscommunication or not?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh denied all the rumors circulating about the heat and cold of his relationship with the General Chair of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri in recent times.

Surya stated that his relationship with the son of the first Indonesian President Soekarno was fine. He admitted that he was ready to communicate with Mega at any time. And according to him, questions about the PDIP-NasDem relationship should also be asked directly to Maga, not only himself.



“I’m ready to communicate anything. But you have to ask Mbak Mega. Mbak Mega, do you want to communicate or not. Mbak Mega likes to communicate or not. Mbak Mega feels there is a miscommunication or not,” said Paloh in The Politician program CNN Indonesia TVMonday (4/7) evening.

Paloh confirmed that NasDem has not yet communicated with PDIP regarding the possibility of cooperation or coalition facing the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election.

He also hoped that the lack of communication between Nasdem and PDIP would not lead the two parties to a worse relationship. However, he made sure that the communication problem was normative. According to Paloh, communication between Nasdem and PDIP is only a matter of time.

“So far everything is still running normatively. So, even if there is no intense communication, it’s just a matter of time. Hopefully time will be able to answer more,” said Paloh.

Paloh believes that there is nothing dramatizing about his relationship with Megawati. He had time to remember the incident when Mega did not meet him in the DPR in 2019.

At that time, the media and the public, said Paloh, had questions. In fact, he continued, Mega just missed seeing him. He insists it was just a coincidence.

“Remember when Mbak Mega didn’t confront me in the DPR? Remember. It was all noisy. It was as if Mbak Mega didn’t like it,” said Paloh.

“I don’t think so. It’s just a coincidence. It doesn’t look like it. It’s too late. And I can accept that. There’s really no problem,” he added.

The relationship between Paloh and Mega has been in the spotlight in recent weeks. Especially after the NasDem and PDIP National Working Meetings which were held almost simultaneously in mid and late June.

During the NasDem National Working Meeting at JCC Senayan, Paloh briefly quipped about the arrogant party. Megawati responded to this arrogant party during the second National Working Meeting in Lenteng Agung.

Mega is surprised if anyone calls herself or the PDIP arrogant. Megawati also said that she had never vilified a political party or the general chairman of any political party.

“I have never, never vilified any party, never, was the head of any party,” said Mega, last June 21.

After this discourse emerged, NasDem then clarified the problem. Secretary of the NasDem Faction of the DPR Saan Mustopa said Paloh’s statement to keep away from the practice of arrogance in politics is a warning to internal parties. Not a satire for outsiders.

“So it’s more internal. So we don’t have to accuse other parties of being arrogant or anything. Moreover, accusing one party, nothing,” said Saan to reporters at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Tuesday (21/6).

Another thing that has highlighted the relationship between Paloh and Megawati is the decision of the NasDem National Work Meeting to include PDIP cadre Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential candidate exchange.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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