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Do you feel bad breath when applying the mask? Here are some of the reasons behind this problem

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Amid the outbreak of the Corona virus, have facial masks made some people notice that they have bad breath? The General Dental Academy reports that about 80 million people suffer from chronic bad breath.

Here are the top 10 reasons and treatments for bad breath:

  • Not cleaning the teeth properly

Dentists say one way to find out if you have bad breath is to use the string and then smell it. And if there is an unpleasant smell on the thread, you will surely know that you have this problem.

The good news is that this kind of bad breath can be treated by cleaning the teeth with fluoride toothpaste, twice a day, and using the floss regularly.

The tongue should be well cleaned, as studies indicate that this can reduce bacteria.

  • Eat foods or drinks that may cause bad breath

Coffee, garlic, fish, eggs, onions, and spicy food are among the foods we eat, and may cause bad breath.

Many foods contribute to bad breath, by releasing sulfides. Sulfur is known to smell rotten eggs.

Bad smells can also be fought through some foods such as lemon, parsley, fruit, and crunchy vegetables such as apples or carrots, all of which stimulate the production of saliva, which the mouth relies on to remove impurities.

  • Eat a lot of sweets

Dentists say sticky candy, such as gum and caramel, are the worst sweets. And if you must eat sweet foods, then regular chocolate is the best, because it contains less sugar than many other sweets, and it can be dissolved more quickly in the mouth.

  • Eat a low-carb diet

If you eat a lot of protein and less carbohydrates, this will prompt your body to burn stored fat to produce energy.

This process will lead to the emergence of “ketones”, whose presence is not a good thing, as there is no choice in front of your body other than through urine and breathing. On the other hand, this leads to bad breath.

And try to drink more water to flush out “ketones” from your body. If you use mint, candy, or frankincense, make sure it is sugar-free.

  • Breathing from the mouth

Breathing from the mouth or snoring can lead to dry mouth, which makes your breath worse.

The solution is to drink a lot of water, and keep the teeth clean in the morning and at night. Dentists also suggest regular checks.

  • Take some medications

Hundreds of commonly used drugs contribute to bad breath. Therefore, check the side effects of the medicine, to see if it leads to dry mouth, and then talk to your doctor to prescribe a medicine that does not reduce the amount of saliva.

  • Nasal obstruction or allergy

Do you suffer from chronic sinus infections? respiratory system diseases? The more stuffy the nose, the more likely it is to breathe through the mouth, causing tissue dryness and reducing the amount of saliva.

Many prescriptions and over-the-counter medications used to fight colds, flu, and allergies cause dry mouth more than the nose.

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco

If you are a smoker, you probably have no idea how the smell of tobacco holds your clothes, belongings, especially your breath. Inhaling hot fumes reduces your ability to smell and taste.

Do you chew tobacco? It goes without saying that it will smudge the gums and the appearance of bad breath.

  • Drink alcohol

If you love wine, beer and cocktails, they contain alcohol, which causes dry mouth. Not only that, but wine contains sugar.

If you want to resist it, eat sugar-free candy or chew sugar-free gum, as they stimulate the production of saliva. Finally, do not forget to drink water, using the brush and floss.

  • An underlying medical condition

Vomiting food, or acid in the mouth, can easily cause bad breath. Do not neglect this, as gastric reflux can easily develop into a serious disease.

Bad breath may also be an early sign of an illness with no external symptoms.

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