Along with high blood sugar, diabetes is signaled by dry mouth, the need to drink (even four liters of water a day) and eat all the time, urinating in large quantities, weight loss. According to diabetologist Adrian Copcea, “in extreme forms of hyperglycemia, nausea, vomiting, and the odor of acetone on the skin may occur.”
Some signs are subtle. There are situations where diabetes is not easy to notice. At other times, there may be signs that are not related to this disease: itchy skin, recurrent urinary tract infections, wounds that are difficult to heal, blurred vision, fatigue. In addition, there are cases where diabetes causes some complications of the nervous system, which can cause tingling or numbness of the extremities. Dr. Copcea draws attention to the fact that “even certain endocrine or gynecological syndromes are related to diabetes through insulin defects, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. ”.
Excessive hunger or lack of appetite
The absence of the feeling of hunger or, on the contrary, the exaggerated appetite, as well as the weight gain of the feeling of satiety should put a question mark on your health. They occur especially in plump people, in the early stages of the disease or even before the onset of diabetes.
Increased craving for sweets
Intense hunger and cravings for sweets or various very sweet drinks can occur as a result of stress and resemble the symptoms caused by low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Doctors have observed cases in which they appeared years before the onset of diabetes.
How to diagnose the disease
The first thing you can do if you suspect you have diabetes is to check your blood sugar. Then make an appointment with your family doctor or diabetologist to interpret the results. “Additional tests such as glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) dosing or glucose tolerance testing may confirm or rule out a diagnosis of diabetes. Once the level of carbohydrate metabolism imbalance is established, the diabetologist establishes the long-term treatment and monitoring plan “, explains the doctor Adrian Copcea.