Do pineapple, kiwi and papaya help with mucus?
It’s hard to say why no studies have been done on the influence of pineapple, kiwi and papaya on viscous mucus. Eating acidic foods like fruit can help produce thin, watery saliva. Make sure you chew well.
Why is there a special focus on pineapple, kiwi and papaya?
Fresh pineapple, kiwi and papaya contain substances (enzymes) that break down proteins. If these substances end up in milk, cream, yogurt or custard, they cause lumps. Dishes with gelatin do not stiffen due to these substances. By briefly heating pineapple, kiwi or papaya (boiled or canned), these substances become ineffective and this does not happen.
What does the research show?
Radiation therapy to the area around the head and neck can create hard, sticky mucus in the mouth that is difficult to swallow. Eating acidic foods, such as fruit, can help produce thin, watery saliva. This works especially if you chew the products well. Eat fresh, acidic products only if your mouth is no longer sensitive and resists fruit acid.
In addition, the advice is sometimes given to eat pineapple, kiwi or papaya because they contain substances that break down proteins. These substances are thought to break down hard mucus as well. In fact, laboratory research shows that kiwifruit can break down mucus from the mouth. This cannot simply be translated for humans. Substances can function differently in the human body. The time these substances remain in the mouth is probably too short to adequately help against mucus build-up. More research on humans is therefore needed.
Read the tips for mucus formation here: What can i do if i have mucus in my mouth or throat?
Our advice
Pineapple, kiwi and papaya are fruits that fit into a healthy diet. With viscous mucus it can help to eat fresh and acidic products.
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