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Do passport problems turn Britons into illegal migrants?

A lot has changed for tourists from Great Britain in recent years. Image: imago images/ Depositphotos

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Do passport problems turn Britons into illegal migrants?

Panic is spreading among European travelers from Great Britain. Until a few years ago, people from the United Kingdom were part of the EU and were still used to European freedom of movement when traveling. That changed with Brexit. However, the new reality has only become noticeable to many Anglo-Saxon vacationers with a delay.

Specifically, it is the Spanish state that is currently bringing many Britons back down to earth. The Iberian border authorities have issued a public appeal to draw attention to a practice that has been neglected for years. Since the official exit from the Schengen area at the end of 2020, strict guidelines for staying in the EU have applied.

Actually, news about Brexit was already yesterday’s news. Decided eight years ago and sealed more than four years ago, Britain’s exit has long provided an endless stream of unpleasant headlines. Spanish border guards are now writing a new chapter.

Government warns Britons: Spaniards forget to stamp their passports

Because they have reports from the British tabloid “Sun“, according to the report, have neglected their documentation duties for years. Border guards are responsible for checking visas and personal data upon entry and exit. Unlike German passengers, Britons now have to present their passports at the airport, even for short breaks.

Upon entry, British visitors will receive a stamp in their passport. Although a visa is not required for entry for a short-term stay, passports must still be checked on the return journey to ensure that residency requirements are met. This should go without saying, you would think.

Since Brexit, Britons have been allowed to stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days. This maximum applies within a 180-day cycle.

Britons who wish to stay in the EU for more than three months within a six-month period must therefore apply for a visa, like citizens from the USA, Asia or Africa.

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Once worth a lot, now the subject of warnings: A British passport.Image: IMAGO images/ Pond5 Images

While the entry and exit process is not a problem for many nations, complaints are now being heard from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many holidaymakers in Spain from the British Isles are apparently missing the exit stamp in their passport.

Suddenly illegal immigrants? Brexit restricts freedom of movement in the EU

Those affected are therefore at risk of trouble. Through no fault of their own, many Britons could soon be accused of an administrative offence or, in the worst case, even a criminal offence. The offense: staying without an appropriate residence permit.

ARCHIVE - Dream view of the beach and the city in Lanzarote: Such factors should influence the choice of hotel - not the hotel name. Photo: Andreas Arnold/dpa/dpa-tmn - Free of charge only for recipients of the ...

The volcanic island of Lanzarote attracts thousands of Britons every year.Image: dpa / Andreas Arnold

This could be the case the next time you enter the country. The exit stamp is official proof that the legally required 90 days within the visa-free period have not been exceeded. If there is no exit stamp, it is likely that travelers are staying in the EU illegally.

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To ensure that the sloppiness of Spanish border officials does not result in criminal consequences in the future, the authorities are now urging vigilance – both for border guards and travelers.

The Foreign Office in the United Kingdom joined the appeal. London warned its citizens against Spain’s sluggishness and urged them to insist on the stamp “in their own interest”.

Police chief allegedly dissuaded border guards from stamping

According to the Spanish police, the airport on the Canary Island of Lanzarote was particularly affected. There, large numbers of English tourists left the country without a stamp. The local newspaperLanzarote Diary” cites anonymous sources from the Guardia Civil, according to which the police chief of Lanzarote has issued a clear warning to his own staff.

Anonymous police sources told the newspaper that police officers had previously been asked “discreetly and verbally” to make entry “as easy as possible” for British holidaymakers. According to the report, the directive may have nothing to do with hospitality.

It seems unclear whether the staff at César Manrique-Lanzarote Airport can even meet the demand. According to the insider, “Diario” claims there is an acute shortage of staff. On Thursdays in particular, the border guards can hardly keep up with the many British passengers on their way home.

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