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Do not underestimate, this is the amount of Covid-19 patient care costs, not cheap! Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The easing of restrictions that have been carried out for several weeks has had an impact on the resurgence of community activities in various places.

Although reminded to always obey health protocols, not all comply.

For example, activities car free day on June 21, 2020, which was highlighted due to the gathering of people in the Sudirman-Thamrin area, Central Jakarta.

Some wear masks, others don’t. Some keep a safe distance, some do not.

On social media, at the end of last week, a number of photos and videos circulated showing the crowds of people visiting tourist sites and restaurants.

This situation raises concerns about the risk of transmission. Crowded places are one of the factors that increase the risk of transmission and spread corona virus.

Government through the Task Force to Accelerate Handling Corona virus also repeatedly reminded people to comply with government recommendations, such as the discipline of wearing a mask, and staying at home if there were no urgent interests.

Also read: Expert warning about Dexamethasone: Only for Severe Covid-19 Patients

Did you know, there are large costs that await if infected with the corona virus?

Some time ago, a citizen shared information on how much money had to be incurred for Covid-19 patient.

He underwent a number of examinations at his own expense before finally being treated at Covid-19 Emergency Hospital.

Other citizens shared information about the cost of treating corona virus infection patients, which reached more than Rp. 290 million.

This cost does not include immaterial costs that must be borne by the family because there are family members who must undergo treatment.

This reminds the public not to underestimate the threat of the corona virus.

Covid-19 patient costs

Chairman of the Covid-19 Task Force for the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Zubairi Djoerban, when contacted Kompas.com, some time ago, also admitted, the cost for Covid-19 patients was very large.

Can reach hundreds of millions of rupiah. There are a number of reasons why the cost of treating Covid-19 patients is very expensive.

Patients must undergo a number of stages of the examination. For this, the cost of availability of medical devices is not cheap.

For example, for necessities rapid test.

“It’s not free. If the person with Covid-19 is tested positive first, waiting for his polymerase chain reaction (PCR), usually in one test it runs out of Rp. 1 million,” said Zubairi.

After undergoing a PCR test, Covid-19 positive patients will undergo a period of quarantine and hospitalization.

Also read: Covid-19 Patient Data Suspected of Leaking, Why Can This Happen?

This treatment will make the costs increase. Moreover, with Covid-19 patient care drugs that are also not cheap.

“If now routinely given inpatients are given anti-blood clotting drugs, but there are also molecular ones which are quite expensive. One injection of Rp. 300,000 to Rp. 400,000 in one drug, not yet other drugs,” said Zubairi.

The room service fee will also add to the amount of Covid-19 patient care costs.

For patients who need intensive care in the ICU with a number of patient health support tools, the costs will be even greater.

Moreover, if the patient experiences a serious impact on other organs such as heart, lung, kidney, brain, or blood clots everywhere.

Deputy Director of Education and Education as well as Spokesperson for the Covid-19 / RS UNS Task Force, Dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto said, handling Covid-19 patients requires treatment with separate channels and separate equipment.

“The handling of Covid patients is relatively high, because of the necessity of sarpras and the location of care in a special room. So the cost increases,” Tonang said Kompas.com, some time ago.

The component of Covid-19 patient care costs is also expensive because medical personnel who do the handling require personal protective equipment (PPE).

Most of the burden of procuring APD health care costs is not funded by the government so it is borne by patients and families.

Also read: 4 Reasons for Co-19 Patient Handling Costs to Hundreds of Million Rupiah

photo-infographic" style="max-width:100%;"> KOMPAS.com/Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo
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