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Do not suffer anymore! Dr. María Elena Peralta takes away any pain

Don’t waste your money on treatments that won’t help you, or home remedies whose effectiveness is not scientifically proven. If you have any pain, we suggest you consult Dr. María Elena Peralta, who is an expert in pain medicine or an algologist.

In an interview for Rayas, the doctor —who gives consultations at Hospital Angeles— pointed out that pain medicine can help reduce ailments as simple as a migraine to the most complex ones, caused by cancer; It also helps patients with arthritis, joint pain, spine pain, among others.

María Elena Peralta mentioned that pain medicine is not new in Mexico, since for 10 years it has been worked in this specialty. Even Mexican doctors are among the most internationally recognized for their quality and have even developed treatments.

She cares for patients with chronic pain, which is when they have been suffering from severe pain or discomfort for 3 months, and uses drug treatments and interventions or nerve blocks. For that reason, it can decrease your muscle, bone, joint and nerve pain.

Of the most complicated cases that it deals with are those of cancer patients, for which it uses pharmacological treatments or these blockages and, with that, it helps to reduce pain between 50 to 60%, guaranteeing a better quality of life in these patients and any other.

Unfortunately, in Mexico this type of treatment is not popular at all, people do not trust them and prefer to even operate when there are pain that can be counteracted with any of the techniques that it handles.

Their consultations have a price of 800 pesos and the treatments can range from 12 thousand to 15 thousand pesos, but yes, the quality of life of their patients is guaranteed. For example, a person with cancer has the ability to get up, go to the bathroom, and do various things on their own.

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