Home » today » Technology » Do not miss it .. The moon is associated with the symbol of love tonight in a wonderful sight seen with the naked eye

Do not miss it .. The moon is associated with the symbol of love tonight in a wonderful sight seen with the naked eye

Observed in the sky of Egypt and the Arab world after sunset today, Thursday, February 27, 2020, and moving towards the beginning of the night, and the fall of the crescent moon of Rajab in conjunction with Venus on the western horizon, in a phenomenon seen with the naked eye.

The moon and Venus are in the second and third order of the brightest bodies in a row after the sun at the dome of the sky so they can be seen even before the sky becomes dark in a beautiful view.

When using the binoculars, a curved line separating the illuminated part and the dark part of the moon can be surveyed. This line represents a three-dimensional view of the lunar surface topography.

And when observing Venus through the telescope (not the telescope), its disk is illuminated by 63.7% by sunlight at the present time, but due to the movement of the planet in the orbit of the smaller ones around the sun, it is during the coming months and upon observation through the telescope, the size of its apparent disk will get bigger due to the approaching From the ground, this will be offset by a decrease in the lighting of a pinch gradually until it becomes in the phase of the crescent next May in preparation for the beginning of his return to the sky of dawn.

And the moon will be away from the glow of sunset sunlight compared to the previous night, and it has become high in the sky, and whether the observer uses the telescope or the naked eye, it can be observed that the unlit side of the moon’s surface with sunlight glows with dim light which is the sunlight reflected from the earth and fallen on the moon in A phenomenon referred to as the new moon embracing the old moon.

The moon fell in conjunction on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at (3:32 pm GMT).

And by observing the moon day after day, he will notice that its lighting increases and rises high in the sky at sunset and remains longer after the beginning of the night, because the moon moves away from the sunset location heading east through the sky, which is its natural movement in orbit around the earth and after seven days of pairing it will arrive The moon for the first square stage.

The reason we see the moon heading west every day is the result of the Earth’s rotation around its axis except that the true movement of the moon is eastward with respect to the stars and planets in the zodiac while it is rotating around the Earth.

This time of the lunar month is ideal for observing faint objects in the depths of space such as galaxies, nebulae and stellar clusters from locations outside cities because the sky will be dark after the early sunset, which usually blurs the natural lights in the dome of the sky.

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