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Do not allow unvaccinated people to buy Christmas presents

On Monday this week, Austria introduced a lockdown for unvaccinated citizens. While vaccinated people can party all night long and mingle in larger groups, the population that has not received the syringe stick must sit inside.

If you defy the rules, you can be fined up to 1450 euros. The police enforce the rules. The goal is for more of the approximately 1.6 million unvaccinated inhabitants to take the vaccine.

Unvaccinated Austrians can only go out to breathe, visit the doctor or buy necessary goods.

The latter has left its mark on Christmas shopping in the country, since the rules mean, among other things, that unvaccinated people cannot buy Christmas presents in physical stores.


A video posted on Twitter by Dr. Eli David shows police officers checking vaccination status inside a shoe and clothing store.

The new restrictions will last for ten days, but can be extended.

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The measures have also today led to large protests in the country in recent days, as many experience the measures as excessive and as a vaccine requirement.

Also read: Germany tightens after high infection pressure

The government has also decided that random checks will be carried out to check that the rules are being followed. Violations can be punished with fines of up to 1,450 euros, equivalent to almost 14,500 Norwegian kroner.

Prime Minister Schallenberg has stated that the country’s states are free to introduce even stricter guidelines if needed.

He says the decision to shut down the unvaccinated has not been easy.

“With the degree of vaccination we are now seeing, we will be caught in a vicious circle of new cases of infection,” Schallenberg said on Sunday.

Slow infection records

Only 65 percent of the country’s population is vaccinated. At the same time, new infection records are set almost daily. On Sunday, more than 13,000 new cases of infection were registered in the country.

In the last seven days, the infection level has been 814.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. If you only look at the unvaccinated, the corresponding figure is 1,400 per 100,000.

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