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Do men really sweat more than women?

It is often said that men are stronger sweat than women. A study now shows that this is obviously not the case. The amount of sweat depends on something completely different.

A Australian study shows that the amount of sweat apparently does not depend on gender. Women can produce as much sweat as men. Rather, scientists at the University of Wollongong (UOW) establish a connection between the amount of sweat and the height of a person.

According to the study, tall people sweat more than small people

The researchers found that tall people sweat more than small people, whether they’re male or female. Nigel A.S. Taylor, co-author of the study and professor at the School of Medicine at the University of Wollongong, explains that the human body has two ways to cool down.

Sweating is one thing. The other is to increase blood circulation on the surface of the skin. The study showed that the body of small people is more likely to choose the second way, while tall people are more likely to sweat to achieve the same cooling effect.

Smaller people give off body heat primarily through the skin

Similar to objects, people lose heat over their surface, the study says. Smaller people have more surface area per kilogram of body mass than larger people. This allows them to cool down better through increased blood circulation. This causes the skin to radiate heat.

Course of the study

A total of 60 students were examined for the study published in the journal “Experimental Physiology”, including 35 men and 24 women. They all had a similar level of fitness and health. But their body sizes varied greatly.

For the experiment, the test subjects had to move in a warm room so that their bodies each reached a certain temperature. Then both the blood flow on their skin and their sweat production were measured.

The result: The smaller test subjects gave off their body’s heat primarily through the skin, the larger ones through sweating – regardless of whether it was women or men. According to Taylor, only less than five percent of the differences in heat loss are due to gender.

Men and women apparently sweat equally

Because women are often smaller than men, a woman of average height sweats less than an average tall man. According to the researchers, this is primarily due to the size and not the gender.

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