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Do breast implants affect breast cancer screening in women?

Breast cancer is the first cause of death among women in Mexico

NOTIPRESS.- Globally, the breast cancer It is the most frequent malignant tumor among women, and in Mexico it is the leading cause of death for cancer in the female sex. Therefore, the importance of carrying out periodic studies of detection breast cancer or other breast abnormalities.

But, What happens if you have breast implants? Can these affect the image of a mammogram and give inaccurate results? In this regard, Dr. Rajul Mehta, a breast radiologist at the Hospital Houston Methodistemphasized to NotiPress that all women benefit from getting a annual mammogramincluding those with breast implants.

It should be noted, mammography or mammography, is one of the most important studies that must be performed at least once a year from the age of 40. And even earlier if there is a history of breast cancer in the family. On the other hand, there is a question about how the Breast implants affect breast cancer risk and mammogram readings.

The two most common types of breast implants used today contain saline solution and silicone, and are not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. That is, a woman does not need to be screened sooner or more often just because she has breast implants. Instead, the main risk factors for breast cancer include aging, mutations (changes) in certain genes, and family history of breast cancer.

Regarding the frequency with which people with breast implants should have tests, there is no special indication in the frequency and quantity of the study, compared to those who do not have breast implants.

Do breast implants affect mammograms?

The answer is yes, the breast implants hinder visibility when observing the entire breast tissue in a mammogram, a situation that could obscure the results. For his part, Rajul Mehta, a breast radiologist at Houston Methodist Hospital, explained:

“In a normal mammogram, we look at the tissue from the nipple through the pectoralis muscle to the chest wall. However, when you have an implant, the posterior breast tissue is blocked from the mammographic field of view. Since we don’t have a clear view all the way to the chest wall, the findings could be missed.”

On the other hand, he explained that both common types of implants, saline and silicone, affect mammogram readings in a similar way. However, advised not to worry about it because mammography technicians know how to solve such a problem. Therefore, he emphasizes the importance of informing the health care team if you have implants, either before or during your examination appointment.

Finally, Dr. Metcha stressed that yes it is possible to detect and treat breast cancer, especially if the diagnosis occurs early, because it is almost always curable. He concluded that the only possible way to save lives is if women have annual screening mammograms, whether or not they have breast implants.

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