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Do birds of prey actually spread fire in Australia?

News is circulating on Facebook that birds of prey are deliberately spreading fire in Australia to scare off prey. Is that so?

In the claim that birds of prey would spread fire, it states:

“Some birds of prey in Australia purposely spread forest fires by dropping burning sticks into unburned areas to scare away their prey.”

Australia’s “firebirds”

No, this is not a special species. However, the aborigines of Australia have long observed that some species of birds actually make use of fire to increase their hunting success.

For over 100 years there has been evidence that Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory of Australia blamed birds for fires. These “firehawks”, as they are called by the indigenous peoples, spread fire by carrying off burning branches and setting other areas on fire if they drop them again.
Insects and smaller animals that flee from the fire are easy prey for the birds of prey.

The black kite, the wedge-tailed harrier and the hawk falcon are known as “Firehawks”.

Ornithologist investigates fire by birds of prey

Bob Gosford set himself the task of examining this approach. Since 2011 he has been dealing with anecdotes and traditions about it.

In a study, all reports on the “firebirds” were compiled and published in „Journal of Ethnobiology“ released.
Gosford himself has not yet been able to observe the “Firehawks” in action, but some of the co-authors, who are among others active in the fire department, confirmed that they had already seen it.

“We don’t do any here [neue] Discovery, ”explains co-author Mark Bonta, Pennsylvania State University geographer. “Most of the data we’ve worked with comes from working with the Aborigines. You know this [Phänomen] probably for 40,000 years or more. “


Lore and reports from the indigenous people from over 100 years ago confirm that birds of prey use fire for their hunting success.

Bob Gosford confirmed having received first-hand reports telling them how they saw birds intentionally spreading bushfires to smoke out prey and make it flee. The reports came from ranchers, firefighters and other researchers.

So it actually seems to be the case that birds of prey called “firehawks” use fire to find prey.

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Swell: National Geographic, Science Alert, BioOne / Journal of Ethnobiology, The Wire

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