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DNCG Appeal Committee Renders Final Verdict: Celles sur Belle Club Demoted

Thierry Vincent (HC Celles sur Belle Coach)

The DNCG appeal committee today rendered its decision concerning the Celles sur Belle club: the verdict is final with the announcement of the club’s demotion. Managers can appeal the decision to the CNOSF.

Following a new examination, on appeal, of its accounts and its financial balance sheet by the financial control authority of professional clubs, the Celles sur Belle club (10th last season in LBE) was notified its relegation to the 2nd Division. The decision echoes that already expressed at first instance despite the presentation of new elements from the club’s leaders.

An opportunity for Mérignac?

This is a huge blow for Thierry Vincent’s team which is in full preparation almost a month before the resumption of the Butagaz Energie League. The club still has the possibility of defending its interests before the CNOSF, which would make the decision rendered today by the DNCG suspensive.

It now remains to be seen what the next announcement from the DNCG will be in favor, or not, of the Mérignac club, the first club to claim a repechage following its sporting relegation at the end of last season.

Generally speaking, this decision on the part of the financial authority of the FFHB once again underlines the financial balance that is always complicated to find within the elite of French women’s handball. We think again of last season with the disappearance of the Bourg de Péage and Fleury les Aubrais clubs. Consideration is underway at the LFH to consider a move from 14 to 12 clubs during the 2024-2025 financial year…just a few days after the Paris 2024 Olympics!

#LBE #Belle #demoted #2nd #Division #HandNews

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